Gransnet forums


Bulbs growing

(5 Posts)
jeanie99 Sun 17-Feb-19 16:20:40

Last year I bought dozens of dafs and tulip bulbs for the back and front garden.
They are growing now but I notice that quite a number which I believe are dafs are coming up blind. Is this because of something I did in planting and can I do anything about it.

merlotgran Sun 17-Feb-19 16:36:30

This usually happens because the bulbs haven't been planted deeply enough. They need to be at a depth of at least 4". I don't think there's anything you can do because transplanting them after the flowering period often doesn't work.

Might be worth a try though.

Ngaio1 Sun 17-Feb-19 18:13:10

I planted lots of new bulbs in my pots last autumn and they are just peeping through. I am on tenterhooks waiting for them to bloom!

jeanie99 Mon 18-Feb-19 14:34:26

4" I didn't know they needed to be that deep.
Is it worth taking them out now and replanting, what do you think.

Gettingitrightoneday Mon 04-Mar-19 23:17:56

They could also probably come up blind because they are young bulbs not yet mature. If they look healthy they might just need time.