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(4 Posts)
Keke Thu 15-Apr-21 10:47:32

I love my garden and am going to try growing spuds this year. Any advice for maximum crop? Someone mentioned potato feed? Suggestions welcome

CafeAuLait Thu 15-Apr-21 11:45:26

I'm not an expert but I think you just keep topping up the soil as the plants grow.

Keke Thu 15-Apr-21 11:48:11

ta - am also trying pea plants this year for the first time. Usually the slugs/snails destroy all those sort of plants but let's see. Also have a hedgehog in the garden that eats them so hope that helps.

Gwenisgreat1 Thu 15-Apr-21 11:50:28

My DH has been putting slug pubs round the garden - small yogurt tubs sunk in the soil, filled with beer, the slugs make a bee-line for them and kind of sink?
Good Luck!!