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Should We Expect Grandparents to be Parents to Our Children

(6 Posts)
grannyactivist Mon 05-Dec-11 11:08:29

Baggy I echo your common sense response. Again!! smile

HildaW Mon 05-Dec-11 11:02:29

My daughters' family planning choices are absolutely nothing to do with me. I am a sort of 'you sow what you reap' kinda person. Thus, my daughters were brought up by my husband and I to be loving, thoughtful and responsible women and we have developed a family dynamic that suits us well in what is often a very complicated world. At no point did we sit down and discuss it in any organised way. Its grown from the loving and, importantly, mutually respectful relationships that we have for each other.

Certainly there has been the odd occassion when some quite precise arrangements have had to be made e.g. looking after elder GS whilst new baby was being born, but apart from that we rub along as best we can. But they are the parents, we are the Grandparents the roles are quite distinct and just as I would not have expected my Mother to be briefed as to her her expected role, my daughter would not dream of telling me what she expected of me. In fact I think my Mum would have raised her eyebrows and said something about the making of beds and lieing in them! Sounds a bit harsh perhaps but I would have understood, she saw my decision to have a child as my choice and was 'none of her business'.

Annobel Mon 05-Dec-11 09:49:10

Prospective parents should not consult their parents about when or if to reproduce; nor should GPs be expected to take part in parenting. Stepping in in an emergency is another matter. The days of the extended family when child care was a matter for GPs, aunts and older siblings as well as parents have long gone - and they are not going to return.

bagitha Mon 05-Dec-11 09:37:59

As I read the original post, the OP only thinks grandparents should be 'consulted' if parents are automatically assuming that they (the GPs) will step in and do a lot of the childminding. I agree with that. If you expect your own parents to be the childminders of your children so that you don't have to pay someone else or change your lifestyle so that you can do it yourself, then it's only polite to ask them before you have kids, isn't it?

So I think you agree with the OP, tanith.

And they should have an opt out available too if they find its all too much which, as we know, can happen.

tanith Mon 05-Dec-11 09:21:35

I would not expect any of my 3 children to consult with me about their having children , its their choice and their responsibility and really no business of mine whether they do or do not have children. I have 7 grandchildren and wasn't consulted , nor would I expected to be about them being brought into the world.

So its a no to the question , and I think its totally wrong for anyone to consider how much responsibility to put on their own parents when thinking about having a family. If grandparents feel they wish to take a responsible part in their grand childrens lives then its their choice I feel that very strongly and know people who have been put in the position where their own life is on hold because of having to take care of grandchildren.. its totally wrong in my opinion.

jeyaramd Mon 05-Dec-11 03:37:17

Being a grandparent is not an easy feat. It can be both challenging and rewarding. The experience of "grand-parenthood" is more rewarding when grandparents have a choice.

Parents, at some point, must have had some sort of discussion about having children. Grandparents, on the other hand, are sometimes left in the dark.

How often do parents sit down and talk to grandparents about the need for their assistance in child rearing prior to imposing that responsibility upon them. Grandparents are sometimes informed after the fact. When all is said and done.

There is nothing wrong with not including your grandparents on when you plan to have children. It can be a personal choice. However, it becomes inconsiderate, when we have assigned expectations that our parents do most of the leg work. In that case, with all due respect they should be informed and given a choice. But, mind you. Many parents are quite considerate of their parent's well being to the point of hiring a caregiver to take care of them.

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