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Book about emotions

(3 Posts)
Madgran77 Wed 13-Dec-17 21:40:48

How are you feeling today? Molly Potter

My Feelings Sarah Jennings

Colour Monster Anna Llenas

Feelings Libby Walden

All of these books are really good!

Bridgeit Wed 13-Dec-17 21:28:45

Hi Elrel, can't think of one off hand, but it's a good idea, perhaps go on line (google it )or ask at your local library . Also there should be suggestions from the school, & child welfare et. Also encouraging children to draw about their feelings can be an effective way for them to deal with their emotions.

Elrel Mon 11-Dec-17 10:25:00

DS has asked me to look for a book which might help DGS 7 to deal with his emotions. He is lovely bright little person, serious and quiet at times but given to prolonged outbursts of yelling and tears when angry or upset.