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Childhood Eczema

(27 Posts)
nannysgetpaid Wed 05-Oct-11 13:18:39

My youngest grandson aged 5 months was born with eczema and is now covered from head to toe. Everytime my DIL went to see the doctor they changed his treatment and said that the last doctor had been wrong. Eventually we screamed STOP and demanded to attend the dermatology clinic where they are changing his treatment regularly but seem unsure of what to do next. After being unable to get the prescribed cream for two days and having no cream at all his skin improved. He is not moving around yet but we dread when he starts crawling. Anybody got any ideas. We have contacted the eczema helpline and they have sent us some leaflets.

M0nica Wed 15-Apr-20 19:54:13

We have asthma, eczema and allergies coming down through my family. To name but a few. I have had eczema and a lot of allergic reactions to various skin creams.

I have been told by several doctors that these things are definitely genetic.

The doctor who said it was not hereditary, but tended to run in families, remind me of a doctor I dealt with who said an elderly lady didn't have dementia but some people got like she was (demented) in old age.