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TTC while Being a Granny

(24 Posts)
FynnyGranny Fri 14-Apr-17 18:39:18

Hi, there! I’m a happy mommy of a sweet daughter and a granny of two lovely angels. Though I’m 45 years old, I dream to become a mommy one more time. I do have periods, but they may become with 4-6 days delays. My AMH test also showed that my ovaries aren’t empty. However, my gyny says that it’s better not to risk. She advises us egg donation. She says that oocytes of a young woman may give us better chances to conceive. In addition, it will help us to avoid certain problems with the baby’s health. Her advice sounds quite reasonable. My hubby is 49. He says it’s better for us not to risk and conceive with the help of a donor egg. Frankly speaking, I don’t like this idea much. I feel quite ok and I’m in a good fit. I even don’t have a menopause yet. I think I’m quite able to conceive with my own oocytes, carry and give birth to a child. Is there anybody here who has become moms after 40s? Did you conceive naturally or use DE IVF? Were there any complications during your pregnancy?
P.S. We’ve already visited several fertility clinics. I want to share my feedback about one of them. This clinic seems to be quite reputable. At least, we’ve found loads of favorable feedbacks about them. In addition, they don’t charge much for their services. Unfortunately, price does matter to us. If we decide to apply for DE IVF, we will be able to book a program at the clinic that doesn’t charge much… We visited that clinic several weeks ago. I liked the RE we consulted there. However, the clinic was too overcrowded. Now, we have to decide whether to deal with them or not… Any ideas about cheap and overcrowded fertility clinic?

Ana Fri 14-Apr-17 18:52:20

Cheap and overcrowded? Are you sure that's what you want...?

Are you in the UK or the US? Either way, I think you'd be better off asking your questions on a website such as Mumsnet.

ElaineI Fri 14-Apr-17 19:08:45

If you go to Fertility Friends site there is a huge amount of information including information about most clinics internationally offering fertility treatment. If you join the forum you can ask and share experiences. Posters live in many different countries but the site is managed in the UK.

ElaineI Fri 14-Apr-17 19:10:59

annsixty Fri 14-Apr-17 19:48:25

I cannot offer help about clinics but my friend's D gave birth to a healthy girl in November at the age of 45 and 8 months. Natural conception and very healthy pregnancy so good luck if that it what you decide.
Sh already had C aged 10 and 8.

Jalima1108 Fri 14-Apr-17 19:48:42

I don't know why you would go for egg donation when your ovaries aren't empty

Try a weekend at Balmoral, that could do the trick.

thatbags Fri 14-Apr-17 19:56:19

I was six weeks short of forty-five when Minibags was born. Normal pregnancy. Straightforward birth. Lovely baby.

Jalima1108 Fri 14-Apr-17 19:58:41

My cousin was 46 when her youngest was born; she had two babies then a gap of 10 years then another gap of 12 years. Despite the doom and gloom from her consultant all was fine with her and the baby.

Deedaa Fri 14-Apr-17 22:09:56

Jalima Balmoral only works if you don't want the Queen to know if you still have sex and you leave the contraceptives at home grin

harrigran Sat 15-Apr-17 08:17:42

My mother was 47 when my sister was born, conceived with no problem and born at home with just a midwife in attendance. That was the 1950s so reckon you should be okay nowadays.

Jalima1108 Sat 15-Apr-17 10:27:19

Deedaa perhaps the OP will read your post and do just that when she next goes to Balmoral

Isn't it a bit greedy to want to use someone else's eggs when you still have some of your own? I don't mean to be unkind, but there are many women desperate for a family who are looking for donors.

annsixty Sat 15-Apr-17 10:35:33

I have a problem with expecting science and medicine to provide an answer to everything. If it doesn't happen naturally maybe it is for a reason, and yes I know some of you will have C and GC born by IVF. I am stating an opinion.

thatbags Sat 15-Apr-17 10:49:17

annsixty, I agree, especially with regard to getting pregnant and staying pregnant in one's forties. I reckon Minibags was my last "good egg". I'd had miscarriages before her and, although getting pregnant didn't seem to be a problem, I had accepted that staying pregnant wasn't going to happen. Then it did.

Fynny, are you visiting fertility clinics because you are not getting pregnant naturally? As annsixty's comment suggests, if that is so maybe it's for 'natural' reasons, mainly the aging process. I'm not being unsympathetic saying that—see my story above.

RedHaze Fri 21-Apr-17 12:04:38

OP, I think you’re the one who must take the decision in this situation. If you still have periods and your ovaries can produce oocytes, you have all chances to conceive naturally. I quite understand you might worry that doctors don’t recommend you to get pregnant after 40s because of the risks to give birth to a child with a poor health. But you may see from the posts above that this statement isn’t 100% truth. There are some scans and tests that may reveal whether you’re carrying a healthy child or not in case you get pregnant naturally. If you still decide to deal with the fertility clinic and donate an egg from a young lady, I would choose the clinic that I feel most comfortable with. But again, you’re the one who should make the decision…

seasider Sun 23-Apr-17 08:25:07

I had a surprise baby at 45. Natural conception and trouble free pregnancy apart from a bit of high blood pressure. Lots more older mums now. Have a look.on Mumsnet.

WitchCat Fri 28-Apr-17 10:38:22

Hi! If I were in your shoes, I wouldn’t hurry up with doing DE IVF. I have an experience of such procedure cause I got married for the second time when I was 42 and we decided to have one more child. We tried to ttc a baby nearly 2 years. Finally, I did DE IVF, got pregnant and gave birth to my child when I was 45. The only thing I had irregular periods and a very low AMH level.
P.S. If you decide to try egg donation, choose the clinic that has high success rates, suitable prices and pleasing service.

FynnyGranny Mon 03-Jul-17 12:05:04

We’ve got interested in one clinic. They offer us oocytes of 18-25 year old women. They offer us oocytes of the women who have already become mums. As far as I know, it’s a great option as these oocytes are considered to be the best for DE IVF. They aren’t going to charge much for their services. The only thing the clinic is situated abroad so we’ll have to travel. What do you think about seeking for fertility treatment abroad?

Jalima1108 Mon 03-Jul-17 12:08:22

Ask Mumsnet

Jane10 Mon 03-Jul-17 12:20:29


WitchCat Fri 21-Jul-17 08:54:02

If I were you, I would choose the clinic you feel most comfortable with. Of course, you need to find doctors with a good expertise if you want to achieve success. Some infertile couples do choose to travel abroad to seek for fertility treatment. For instance, they may go to Poland, Russia, Ukraine or Georgia as prices aren’t very high there. I decided not to go anywhere as I’m a little bit afraid to do this. We contacted a clinic in the UK. I think you’re the one who has to make the final decision in this situation.

ShopAssistant Sat 29-Jul-17 01:55:57

Hi, OP. Frankly speaking, I’m totally against you are opting for DE IVF. You’ve written that the clinic offers you oocytes of 18-25 year old women. I don’t think it’s quite ethical to use eggs of such young ladies to conceive. There are quite a lot of women who are younger than you and who need such help to become pregnant. In addition, I don’t think doctors would find a woman who resembles you great. It’s impossible to do this as even twins have some differences. I may sound quite sharply… but it’s really my own point of view…

WitchCat Mon 31-Jul-17 19:08:07

I would agree with the previous poster, but only partially. Each woman deserves to be happy, so if the OP is willing to become a mum she can try to do this. I think it will be better to do it naturally. If the nature allows to conceive a baby, then it was meant to be. If I were in the same situation, I wouldn’t use oocytes of young women, as it’s quite difficult to find a woman who would resemble you greatly. Even twins are different in some way. At any rate, good luck in whatever you choose!

FarNorth Mon 31-Jul-17 19:43:18

OP, you seem to be looking at this in a very scattergun sort of way.
Your question "Any ideas about cheap and overcrowded fertility clinic?" seems a bit odd, and then you tell us you're thinking of going abroad to another clinic that "doesn't charge much".
You could be giving yourself, and your family, a lot of problems by going about things in this way.

I say, stick to the natural approach. If it happens that's great. If it doesn't you still have a good life.

paddyann Mon 31-Jul-17 23:57:59

my great aunt had a son who was younger than his neice and that was in the fifties,she was 51 when she conceived naturally ,my husbands friends mother also conceived at 51 after 17 years ,she thought it was the menopause when in fact she was 6 months pregnant.If you're sure its what you want. go for it.If I could I'd have had half a dozen but like someone else I could get pregnant easily but didn't carry them over three months in 5 of my pregnancies and I was only 34 when I had my last child..I do have 2 adult children though