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Anticoagulant and medic-alert bracelet

(4 Posts)
Luckygirl Fri 30-Nov-18 09:23:38

It has been suggested that I wear one of these - does anyone else on anti-coagulants bother with this?

shysal Fri 30-Nov-18 09:51:25

I think they are a good idea. In an emergency situation where you couldn't communicate it could be a life saver. Having medical info on your mobile phone ICE (in case of emergency) app is useful too. Health professionals will always check.

I wear a silicone wristband to show that I am steroid medicated, which my rheumatologist suggested. As I live alone I even sleep in it, only removing when I wash. I find the wristband more practical than a bracelet with paper insert which could get wet.
medicalert wristbands

felice Fri 30-Nov-18 09:52:22

I don't but the info is on my I.D. Card and I have a little card in my wallet.
I would take it off and forget to put it back on, especially if i was cooking.

EllanVannin Fri 30-Nov-18 10:06:01

I have to carry my " little yellow book/card " at all times as a warfarin-taker. Also a plastic medic tube in my fridge which holds a list of medication-----should I be found in a heap behind the front door.
I'm well taken care of indoors with an emergency link and pendant.