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Cardiac catheterisation anyone?

(4 Posts)
Elrel Tue 16-Apr-19 08:41:51

I am having one soon and apprehensive. Any tips from experience please?

midgey Tue 16-Apr-19 09:59:40

I had one a long time ago. Scary the night before but once it gets going it’s not a problem!! It just feels a bit tickly inside, certainly not painful. Good luck.

Elrel Tue 16-Apr-19 20:27:36

Midget - Thank you! Hospital admin staff have been reassuring on the phone. I think I’m worrying as it seems so invasive.

Elrel Fri 19-Apr-19 15:29:11

Midgey - you’re right. I was still wondering when the line would go in when I was told it was all over. All I have is a dressing where it went into the artery in my wrist and a slight change of medication. Very grateful to all the staff who looked after me and to you!