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A message from a coward re coronavirus

(77 Posts)
Bbarb Sat 29-Feb-20 11:22:01

I attend a hydrotherapy pool which helps me with my arthritis but I have a little niggle which I daren't tell anyone about because I feel a fool and a coward.
One of our members is on holiday in Vietnam and is coming home this weekend - I am tempted not to attend next week in case she's carrying the infection.
Is this a wise move or the symptom of a hypochondriac?

Greeneyedgirl Tue 10-Mar-20 18:13:16

I guess that's tongue in check geekesse but I think it is quite irresponsible. Every person who gets Covid19 will have at least 10 contacts, quite a few of those may be at risk. Perhaps some of their well loved relatives?