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Hygiene or Politeness?

(54 Posts)
Alexa Thu 06-Aug-20 11:49:38

At age 88 I think it is sensible to stay at home and meet only two sons who help me in various ways and who don't cover faces but keep about 3-6 feet away most of the time.

However yesterday afternnin my very nice ex- sort of daughter in law came unexpected by me, though I guess one son knew she was coming. She did not have a mask on and seemed not to be very conscious of social distance. By contrast, I had a plumber in yesterday morning and he was very professionally dressed with a black mask on and I thanked him for wearing one.

Should I have asked ex-sort of daughter in law to wear a mask?

welbeck Fri 14-Aug-20 22:47:23

the people who don't seem to care/ endanger all of us, often don't have a realistic idea of what serious illness can mean.
i wonder if they have seen it close up.
and then there are the long term effects, the long-haulers.
i accept that the majority will not have a severe experience, but it's not just a switch: on or off.

welbeck Fri 14-Aug-20 22:51:20

with yr update, it seems the fault is more with yr son.
does he live with you.
he should not be inviting people to yr house without yr explicit permission, and abiding strictly by your conditions.
i don't think she should have sought you out before she left, and indeed it's probably safer for you that she did not.

Tangerine Sat 15-Aug-20 20:08:14

Thank you welbeck.

Yes, I have now arranged for their medication to be delivered but I have had to go in to buy things such as bottles to be used by my uncle.

Also, the delivery didn't kick in quite immediately.

Thank you again.