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I am a Mutant!!

(28 Posts)
HAZBEEN Fri 07-Aug-20 18:06:58

For the last 4 years my GP has been monitoring my blood count and has noticed my platelet count is getting higher. Just before lockdown he referred me to a Hematologist. My first consultation was by phone in April. She wanted to have some more in depth blood tests done and then I had another phone consultation this week.
She has said from what she is seeing my DNA has mutated and my bone marrow is producing to many platelets so we have agreed a form of treatment which will only start after I have been sent a consent form and information sheets and attended the day clinic.
I was wondering if any on GN have come across this before and what the outcome was. It seemed such a strange thing mutating!
Hope someone out there can help!

HAZBEEN Tue 11-Aug-20 12:03:22

Whoops forgot to preview sorry about the spelling!

Doodle Wed 12-Aug-20 21:59:48

hazbeen good you finally know what it is. I hope by now with all these posts you realise it is not the end of the world and the treatment can work well. The JAK2 mutation is the same as my DH. Makes you both quite special ?