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Kitchen gadgets

(10 Posts)
glammanana Wed 27-Dec-17 21:20:55

Greyduster How lovely those gratin dishes are though I would buy one just to look at

Chewbacca Wed 27-Dec-17 21:18:37

What's a quadrapan please? And do I need one?

kittylester Wed 27-Dec-17 21:08:22

Gd, The bits take up soooo much room and I can't actually unstick the flap bit where the attachments go. I think they have been welded by flying icing sugar - that's a job for the New Year. tchblush

Greyduster Wed 27-Dec-17 18:45:53

Like kitty I have a Kenwood food processor and use it regularly, but none of the accessories. I have lost the instruction book and can’t remember what any of them are supposed to do! The other redundant white elephants are a juicer, a soup maker, an ice cream maker and a ridiculously expensive hand thrown gratin dish I bought from a pottery in Norfolk and have used once.

grannysyb Wed 27-Dec-17 18:33:50

I have a large Kenwood mixer, a Magimix food processor,a soupmaker, breadmaker and icecream maker, I use them all regularly apart from the icecream maker, but it's great when I do use it and it doesn't take up too much space. The best extra bit of the mixer is the sieve, fantastic when sieving berries for a fool or sorbet.

1974cookie Wed 27-Dec-17 17:09:53

I don't know if this qualifies as a Gadget, but today I went out and bought another dishwasher to replace the one that has broken down. I never realised just how much I took the old one for granted until it stopped working a couple of weeks ago. I often wash small amounts of dishes by hand, but when it comes to what I call 'industrial amounts' of washing up, i.e: Pots and Pans, then for me, the dishwasher comes into it's own.
I did toy with the idea of a soup maker today which was in a sale, but decided that my slow cooker does the job perfectly.
Unless of course Gransnetters know different ??

tanith Wed 27-Dec-17 16:41:14

OH likes gadgets and buys them, he has an ice-cream maker, coffee machine, popcorn maker, soda stream, all hardly if ever used . I do use the bread maker and the Kenwood stand mixer however. I don't buy gadgets.

hildajenniJ Wed 27-Dec-17 16:27:11

DH bought himself a juicer. I've used it once, he has never been near it!

kittylester Wed 27-Dec-17 16:25:15

I use my Kenwood stand mixer a lot but none of the bits!

I don't use my breadmaker or my potato ricer.

loopyloo Wed 27-Dec-17 16:11:54

Oh dear just doing a bit of tidying up in the kitchen and realise that I have a lot of things that I rarely use. They include an ice cream maker, a soup maker, a nutribullet, a liquidiser, a griddle frying pan, a quadrapan, a spiraliser.
All bought with good intentions. Any one else do this?