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Birds on the roof!

(11 Posts)
Sophiasnana Fri 29-Mar-19 11:14:02

Help! I am being driven crazy by birds tapping on the roof from 4am in the morning. We live in a bungalow and the solar panels are just above the bedroom. I can see lots of birds creeping under the panels. Dont get me wrong, I love birds. I have lots of bird baths and feeders around the garden, but is this making things worse by encouraging them? I just want to get a full nights sleep! ??

EllanVannin Fri 29-Mar-19 11:21:13

Better than woodworm tapping hahahaha.

Joking aside, the chap opposite who has solar panels has had trouble with families of pigeons getting underneath the panels. He got someone out to put a spiked area around where the panels were and up to now, no more pigeons. They were worse because of the mess they made and are known germ carriers too. There were dozens of them at one time.

You need someone who specializes in stopping this from happening.

toscalily Fri 29-Mar-19 17:05:58

I love birds, have lots of feeders & two bird baths but I get really cross with the Jackdaws & Pigeons, sounds like their clog dancing sometimes hmm

MiniMoon Fri 29-Mar-19 17:18:49

I have velux windows in my bedroom. The birds walk across the glass when the blinds are closed. They sound really loud at four o'clock in the morning.
I imagine that the birds under the solar panels are after juicy insects.

Annapops Fri 29-Mar-19 19:28:25

We have a special type of netting, which is discreet, that prevents birds getting under the solar panels. The spikes on the eves help too.

Jalima1108 Fri 29-Mar-19 20:18:05

We have a pigeon which sits on the chimney and coos. I rather like it (soothing) but it drives DH to distraction! At least there is a cowl on the chimney now which means that birds can't fall down it.

Gonegirl Fri 29-Mar-19 20:24:32

Shudder! ( bird phobia)

Gonegirl Fri 29-Mar-19 20:26:18

You need to be careful with netting. Birds are amazingly good at getting inside it and then get trapped. Horrible.

FountainPen Fri 29-Mar-19 20:56:58

Birds can squeeze through remarkably small gaps. Starlings get under my roof tiles and scratch around between the tiles and the roof lagging. Wood pigeons and collared doves are cooing from first light. Magpies land with a thud and peck loudly at whatever creatures live among the gunk in the guttering. I worry about our diminishing numbers of wild birds and wouldn't be without the ones I have. I recommend Boots Muffles earplugs.

Anja Mon 22-Apr-19 12:26:50

Don’t you have a loft space between your roof and bedroom? If it’s insulated then that will cut down on the noise surely.

Rufus2 Mon 22-Apr-19 13:23:06

Check with the Royals at Windsor Castle where a stork is due to land on the roof any time soon! A 21-gun salute should do the trick! grin