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How to find an independent financial advisor...

(8 Posts)
Lafilledemami Tue 22-Jan-19 12:24:12

We're looking for someone who can help us with questions affecting our future- whether we should be looking at renting or buying an assisted living apartment and how best to use the income from our present home when we sell it. Any advice on where to lookconfused?

FlexibleFriend Tue 22-Jan-19 12:49:01

Google independent financial advisors in your area and phone them up and ask for an appointment to discuss whatever you want to discuss.

mumofmadboys Tue 22-Jan-19 14:50:22

Skipton BS have IFA and they are well rated.

Lisagran Tue 22-Jan-19 15:06:59

Could try the above?

Nonnie Tue 22-Jan-19 15:26:58

Not sure an IFA is qualified to advise you on whether to rent or buy but they would be able to help you once you have made the decision. Make sure you choose one which is registered with the FCA. You can find one here:

Missfoodlove Tue 22-Jan-19 17:07:03

Be careful, a lot of these people make a lot of money on commission by recommending certain schemes or products so there is some bias.

Nonnie Tue 22-Jan-19 17:09:46

MissFood I don't think that is the case now. I think that has been banned which is why they now charge a fee. If they don't charge a fee be very suspicious.

Lafilledemami Tue 22-Jan-19 20:33:59

Golly gosh.... thank you for all the advice.... it's going to be even more complicated than I was anticipating!shock