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Menstrual Symtoms without the presence of Blood?

(12 Posts)
middleagedmenopausalmum Wed 06-Apr-16 21:32:27

Hi all,
I know I'm new here but I'm hoping you can offer words of support?
I've been feeling really bad this past few days.

I'm post menopausal and have not bled for over a year but every few weeks I still get menstrual symptoms?
Does anyone else have that?

Right now, I'm really bad, dizziness, nausea, extreme tiredness on and off, mild to medium headaches and very emotional. Weak aching joints and generally feel like crap.

I'm taking vitamins, wild yam and my usual co codamols for arthritis pains.

I've been going through my menopause for several years now, I'd hoped the worst was over when the really bad migraines I suffered ended about 18 months ago.

Thanks in advance,

thatbags Wed 06-Apr-16 21:41:07

What does your doc say?

middleagedmenopausalmum Wed 06-Apr-16 22:15:40

I've not been to see him yet regarding this particular issue. I thought I'd ask the experienced first rather than get a text book diagnoses.

Jalima Wed 06-Apr-16 22:30:26

and my usual co codamols for arthritis pains
Is that on prescription? Because it is a narcotic it can be addictive.
I am sure that the symptoms don't just disappear overnight but you should check with your GP that all is well.

lynnie1 Wed 06-Apr-16 22:41:36

Go to your GP

Neversaydie Wed 06-Apr-16 22:44:49

I have been over the menopause for 15 years but still get some mild PM symptoms on occasion I also synchronise with my DDs if we spend time together How weird is that ..

stillhere Wed 06-Apr-16 22:52:27

I'm wondering if you have an allergy. Maybe wheat or histamines, they can have those symptoms. Maybe you could start a food diary, and write down which symptoms you have after foods. I'm still trying to work out all of mine, but I had very similar to yours. It all started with I suppose you would say, IBS, caused by arthritic medications wrecking the lining of my stomach. That left me vulnerable to other problems, and now I am allergic to wheat, malt, soya, dairy, red wine, chocolate, red grapes.... I could go on. One of the symptoms of histamine allergy is menopausal-type pains, but really I found I got it with wheat more. Find a doctor whose speciality is diet and allergies, because most of them are way behind other countries. Or, at the very least, find a young one who is willing to learn.

Eloethan Thu 07-Apr-16 00:46:50

It could be any number of things. It's important that you go to your doctor and have a proper physical examination.

whitewave Thu 07-Apr-16 06:42:43

Yes! I used to get all symptoms including period pains, but I did go to the Doctor and got sent for a scan -result was nothing so all's well and they have stopped now anyway.

I would totter along to Doctor if I were you - better to be safe and scan is nothing.

thatbags Thu 07-Apr-16 07:23:20

You might not get what you call a textbook diagnosis, mmm. When I went to my GP with weird symptoms, it took several years for him them to come to a diagnosis (and then some more for me to accept the diagnosis and learn to live with it!).

f77ms Thu 07-Apr-16 09:28:40

Jalima , you can only get them on prescription in the UK and they are prescribed quite frequently for arthritis pain .

I would go to the Docs , your symptoms seem a bit much for ordinary Menstual symptoms . xx

middleagedmenopausalmum Thu 07-Apr-16 14:39:30

Thank's everyone for your input smile

Yes, the co codamol is on prescription for my arthritis, I take one on a morning and two at bedtime otherwise I won't get to sleep with my shoulders and neck, I also use deep heat when it's really bad.

The only thing I've eaten with is not the norm for me is peanut M&Ms? perhaps that could be the problem or perhaps it's just extreme tiredness because I seem to have trouble dropping off to sleep just lately.

Today i'm working on auto as I only got about three hours sleep last night which of course doesn't help the other symptoms.

Thank you all smile

If my symptoms persist I will go to the Drs next week ... if I can get an appointment before they go ...