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(3 Posts)
Letley Sat 29-Feb-20 10:26:39

I am just about recovered from a mental breakdown that began last October. I have changed my diet quite drastically and I’m on Fluoxetine and finally seeing some light! I’m convinced this is part of my menopause, the long, long list of symptoms that seem never ending are still there, but I’m coping better with them. Has anyone else gone through this as part of menopause??

JuliaM Sun 01-Mar-20 17:42:34

You are not alone Letley, quite a few women find it hard to cope with the dramatic emotional and physical changes that Menopause can bring. There aretw main types of depression, Reactive, as in the reaction to a marriage breakdown or berevement ect, or indigenous, caused by chemical changes and sometimes certain illnesses within the body. Menopause belongs to the latter group, although it is possible to have some overlap where other factors in a womans life such as financial worries or empty nest syndrome from adult children leaving home for example can add to your problems. Menopause does not last forever, in time your body adjusts to the new lower levels of hormones and things will start to settledown and you will feel better as the months go on. Its not something that will happen overnight, welldone for seeking medical help and support.

endlessstrife Mon 02-Mar-20 16:33:23

Yes, not to the extent you have, but I haven’t been the same at all since starting menopause 3 years ago. I’d never encountered depression or anxiety, so it’s been a real wake up call. I hope you start to feel much better?