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(31 Posts)
whitewave Wed 13-May-15 09:58:03

Last night at my evening class there was talk that the UN has said that the TTIP arrangements are unfair and that talks should cease. Anyone else heard this?

Eloethan Mon 01-Jun-15 15:56:35

But by signing it again whenim does that risk invalidating the petition if it was picked up, or would the computer programme "recognise" a duplicate entry and delete it?

durhamjen Wed 10-Jun-15 22:57:23

Sounds like the vote has been postponed.

durhamjen Wed 10-Jun-15 23:00:15

Eloethan Wed 10-Jun-15 23:33:19

It is not just the NHS that is at risk because of the ISDS provisions in the TTIP Agreement. I believe any agreement that incorporates such provisions should be thrown out all together.

durhamjen Fri 26-Jun-15 16:11:48

Sounds good.