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Labour MP Jo Cox shot in Birstall

(657 Posts)
granjura Thu 16-Jun-16 14:53:21

Birstall in Leicestershire?

threesugars Thu 16-Jun-16 14:46:59

True - it could have nothing to do with it but it's the first conclusion I jumped to.

whitewave Thu 16-Jun-16 14:42:52

He's probably dotty. Been arrested so no one running amuck.

There was a suggestion that she is critical - hope it's wrong, and she's bouncing back within a couple of days.

Riverwalk Thu 16-Jun-16 14:39:04

Wishing the poor girl well.

I really do hope that this is not a 'political' act.

dramatictessa Thu 16-Jun-16 14:36:32

What's the referendum got to do with it? There are no details as to why this has happened.

threesugars Thu 16-Jun-16 14:32:57

Oh, that is awful! I hope she is ok. What is happening. Just the build up to this referendum has brought about so much unpleasantness.

POGS Thu 16-Jun-16 14:12:42

I am sorry to be watching this ' unravelling' news report .

I hope she will be OK. Her poor family.

It is being reported that 2 people have been shot and 2 stabbings but no police confirmation as yet. The area is on lock down at the moment and there is a Primary School in the vicinity .

I hope the gunman is caught soon.