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Anniebach Sat 26-Nov-16 10:07:51

Fidel Castro has died. 59 years in power

BRedhead59 Sun 27-Nov-16 10:27:48

Why to we always discuss these issues from a 'holier than thou' stance. There was wrong and bad behaviour on all sides that's people for you.

Jalima Sun 27-Nov-16 10:41:29

Cuba's territorial waters extend for 12 miles. However, fishing in Cuba is illegal without a government licence.
People are so poor that they cannot afford a boat anyway, part due to a repressive regime, part due to US embargo, although a more enterprising government should surely seek other markets unless that smacked too much of capitalism and could be dangerous in letting people think for themselves.

However - you can't always suppress enterprise:

Democracy has its faults but i think it is preferable to the alternatives.

icanhandthemback Sun 27-Nov-16 10:41:50

grandMattie, I think I must be a heretic too! However, what would you put in it's place? Communism hasn't been the answer, nor dictatorships so what would you put in it's place? Democracy seems like the lesser of all evils until you get the likes of Trump in power!
My daughter visited Castro and all the people she spoke to were, on the whole, pleased with their lot but had niggles like any nation of people so she came back quite impressed. However, if you were going to be whipped off never to be seen again, you probably wouldn't express outrage to a complete stranger anyway.
I think Castro was probably well intentioned to start with and then didn't want to give up power so acted accordingly. Whilst I totally disagree with his methods, just look at what has happened to the Iraq and the world since we got rid of Sadam Hussein. More bloodshed than he seemed to produce.

vampirequeen Sun 27-Nov-16 10:49:12

Perhaps things would have been different if the USA had continued to trade with Cuba and buy it's sugar rather than imposing an embargo and encouraging the rest of the world to do the same. Cuba had to trade with someone and the only country left was Russia.

Jalima Sun 27-Nov-16 10:59:12

I don't think that embargoes work - they just create more tension and fear and it is the ordinary people who suffer, not government officials.
We were enduring the Cold War during that period.

The British have been visiting Cuba for many years.

The EU imposed a trade embargo on Cuba in 2003 in protest at Cuba's treatment of dissidents and lifted it in 2008 after Raul took over from Fidel.

Morgana Sun 27-Nov-16 11:02:41

I suspect that the USA continued to meddle in Cuba's affairs. As others have said they did their very best to impose trade embargoes and meddle in Latin American countries - but then are we any better? I find it hard to understand why looking back the UK and USA were so scared of communism. Wouldn't things have been better if they could have seen the bigger picture and worked with Communist countries (not suggesting we all become Communist)? (do I need to hide behind the parapet now?)

trisher Sun 27-Nov-16 11:32:12

As far as the treatment of gay people I think it is possibly something to do with development and education. We were still locking them up and 'treating' them in the 1960s, we had had compulsory education since 1860. In the 1950s Cuba was still an illiterate, peasant economy with a strong Catholic faith. It is less than 60 years since they reformed, perhaps gay rights take longer. This isn't excusing anything just looking at the historic realities.
On the health issues, a friend who works in the NHS has visited hospitals in Cuba, he was impressed and amazed at how they managed to treat patients in spite of all the problems. The US blocked everything. 80% of the drugs in Cuba are manufactured there and he saw kidney dialysis machines, hand built in Cuba because they were unable to import them.
Anniebach recognising someone's achievements is not excusing their faults and errors. Please don't confuse the two

Anniebach Sun 27-Nov-16 11:40:02

Trisher, I am curious , how is 1860 relevant when 1983 is dismissed as living in the past ?

Anniebach Sun 27-Nov-16 11:42:40

True recognising achievements is important but dismissing brutality with a wave of the hand is worrying , to me

trisher Sun 27-Nov-16 11:56:27

Oh Anniebach try moving on, it's a discussion about the development of gay rights which I have linked to education and pointed that our record considering we are an educated population hasn't been that good. Nothing to do with turning back the clock, much as you might like to do so.
I would never dismiss brutality with a wave of the hand, either in Cuba or in the US where prisoners are still held in Guantanamo Bay, in many cases after being illegally subjected to 'rendition'(which sometimes involved Blair and the UK government).

Anniebach Sun 27-Nov-16 12:00:56

Oh trisher, Blair left government in 2007, do try moving on

trisher Sun 27-Nov-16 12:05:24

Isn't that 'dismissing brutality with a wave of the hand'? Or don't you think Guantanamo Bay is brutal?

Jalima Sun 27-Nov-16 12:07:13

I remember my DB visited Germany regularly and friends took him to the border to show him the how militarised it was between East and West.
And how come people (including thousands of guards) tried to escape from East to West and not many defected the other way?
That is puzzling if communism is so great.

Of course, After glasnost and perestroika brought about by Gorbachev, (the much villified)Margaret Thatcher and Reagan worked together to bring a thaw to relations
Conveniently forgotten by many of course.
And we have gone backwards again since then.

Anniebach Sun 27-Nov-16 12:11:50

just adopting your attitude to the wrongs in the world trisher

Jalima Sun 27-Nov-16 12:14:25

That was to Morgana, trying to explain how difficult it was to establish relations with the Soviet Union.
And, of course, the Americans were terrified of communism spreading in the Far East, hence the Vietnam war which arose as a rebellion against French imperialism accompanied by American meddling and hence a dreadful war.
Thank goodness the UK did not get drawn into that one.

Jalima Sun 27-Nov-16 12:18:49

Did Pol Pot's form of communism work in Cambodia?
Or does communism only work well after the regime has imprisoned, killed or starved to death any dissenters?
Likewise an extreme fascist regime?

As I said, democracy is not perfect but it is better than the alternatives.

constance Sun 27-Nov-16 12:22:05

No one in Cuba dies from hunger or lack of medical treatment, unlike in the USA. Everyone has a roof over their heads and access to free education including university, and free healthcare. When there is a food shortage it gets rationed not just only made available to people with the most money.

I'd be interested to know where that photo came from - is it someone on a 'dirty protest'? It is not on the BBC website.

The Cubans in Miami are bound to celebrate as they will be brought up by parents who left because they supported the old regime in the 1950s where rich americans went to Cuba for the brothels and the bars.

If I was a poor person I'd rather be in Cuba under Castro than anywhere in the USA. Unless I was a gay person - which I accept is a whole different history of bad treatment.

Anniebach Sun 27-Nov-16 13:15:24

Surprising how many support communist rule here

trisher Sun 27-Nov-16 13:23:45

Accepting that some things have worked well in some regimes is not necessarily supporting the regime. Hilary Clinton when she was First Lady went to Estonia to look at their maternity care because they have one of the lowest infant mortality rates in the world. It was a legacy of communist rule, but I don't think Hilary supports communism.

sunseeker Sun 27-Nov-16 13:23:54

I don't pretend to be an authority on Cuba or it's politics, but someone I know who visited the country said that visitors are shown "shop window" facilities, (hospitals, clinics, schools). He managed to visit some poor areas where conditions were some of the worst he has ever seen in all his travels around the world.

vampirequeen Sun 27-Nov-16 13:26:47

Jalima....this would be the same Margaret Thatcher who supported Lech Wałęsa and Solidarność whilst at the same time setting police and troops (in police uniforms) on striking British workers and legislating against British trade unions. But, hey, let's not vilify her.

This wasn't anything about freeing the Polish people from the yoke of oppression but everything about reducing the power of the Soviet Union by weakening it's hold over it's satellite states.

Elegran Sun 27-Nov-16 13:27:33

Some things work better under a democratic syatem, some work worse.
Some things work better under a capitalist system, some work worse.
Some things work better under a communist system. Some work worse.

There is no such thing as a perfect system of government. Each can be praised for something, but praising some things that Castro achieved is not the same as "supporting communist rule" over other forms of rule. As Winston Churchill said "It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried."

trisher Sun 27-Nov-16 13:29:58

You could say the same of some areas of the USA. Visitors tend not to go to the places where there is real poverty. The difference is that there is very little money in Cuba anyway unlike in the USA where some are worth millions.

Jalima Sun 27-Nov-16 13:45:34

vq * just because I praise something that a politician did does not mean I fail to recognise their mistakes.

Even the much villified Tony Blair stopped smoking in public venues.

I don't see things in shades of black or white or even red or blue,, I can see the shades in between.

rosesarered Sun 27-Nov-16 13:51:27

It goes without saying, that the more vocal left wingers on the forum would laud Castro and all his works and one post (*trisher's*) actually made me laugh ' that his regime was not without faults' haha. What an understatement! As others say, some who go on to become dictators start off full of good ideas (Mugabe) but soon become cruel and selfish tyrants, which Castro did become.There are massive celebrations going on from those who escaped to the US and found freedom.Any visitors ( a bit like the old USSR) were only shown the good bits of a country.Castro had so many people tortured and killed during his long regime, that to say he did some good is a bit like the aplogists for Stalin and also Mussolini saying that hospitals were cleaner and the trains ran on time.The man became a total bastard.