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Excellent news. Sgt Alexander Blackman has his sentence reduced.

(227 Posts)
eddiecat78 Wed 15-Mar-17 13:13:46

Pogs - I am so pleased you have posted this. I wanted to earlier but knew there would be fierce objections.
I am delighted to hear the news and hope that Sgt Blackman will be home - and left in peace very soon.
My son spent 6 months in Afghanistan as a Royal Marine. I know he witnessed terrible things but he has never felt able to talk about them. When I asked him if any of it bothers him still, he said "That is all in a box that I have to keep the lid on".

POGS Wed 15-Mar-17 12:47:12

I know from my ' Phil Shiner Thread ' I will find objections to my view but I am so pleased that Sgt Blackman has had his sentence reduced to Manslaughter.

Well done to those who have stood by him and not thrown him under the bus.

I hope he returns to his family ASAP.

I have used the link to the Daily Mail as they have championed his case.