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She really has beyond all doubt lost the plot

(4 Posts)
Rigby46 Thu 01-Jun-17 22:57:38

She's refused to appear on Woman's Hour. I suppose the thinking is that she won't be caught out forgetting figures from her manifesto - oh wait, there are no figures in her manifesto........

Rigby46 Thu 01-Jun-17 22:58:59

(Apologies in advance if this is too vitriolic for some of you - please go and have a nice lie down)

durhamjen Thu 01-Jun-17 23:05:41

I agree, she really has lost the plot.
I wonder if she will pull out of York tomorrow, with Dimbleby.
Maybe she is a Maybot and not a woman.
(Glass of wine in front of me, so feeling okay.)

durhamjen Thu 01-Jun-17 23:06:35

Although Corbyn went on Woman's Hour and he's not a woman.
He makes jam, though.