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Redistributing wealth between the generations

(157 Posts)
janeainsworth Sat 28-Apr-18 07:28:11
Interesting article from Tim Harford.

Joelsnan Tue 08-May-18 12:00:02

gillybob I have been on both sides of the Agency system and agree it can be expensive for the employer, I wouldn't touch them with a barge pole unless there was absolutely no other route.
However after assisting my 17 year old great nephew wrangle with agency work requiring him to be self employed. I am outraged at what these agencies get away with and what dire employment status those who have no alternative but to accept agency work.
These are issues that we should concentrate on give kids a decent full time pensionable job,

maryeliza54 Tue 08-May-18 12:32:05

Imo I think there are so many aspects of the various revenue raising streams that are unfair and not fit for purpose.Council tax should be related in some way to ability to pay ( not just council tax benefit). IHT is really a voluntary tax for those who can afford to set up a trust or some other scheme. NIC system favours the higher paid because of the cap and is also a tax on working people which those living on investment income avoid. If we want to raise more money for health and social care then income tax on all sources of income should be raised and there needs to be better enforcement. I accept that there is no logical reason why I should not pay NI on my earnings just because of my age but I don’t think it’s fair that I should pay them when my wealthy friends don’t have to on their substsncusl investment incomes. At least I work for my money. Also NICs impact on employers as well.

SueDonim Tue 08-May-18 12:56:01

I admit that I haven't read all of the thread but what strikes me is that this 'intergenerational war' has been concocted to avoid questions being asked about the general inequality in society, with those at the top having many, many time more than those at the bottom. Inequality runs right through society, from the newborn to the aged.

Some of the truly rich hide away their wealth, avoid taxes and fail to contribute to society while the 'little people' fight over the crumbs that have fallen from the captain's table. We should not be taken in by this attempt to pit generation against generation.

M0nica Tue 08-May-18 22:25:59

jenpax , some Age UK branches have a list of approved tradesmen. but none, that I know of, would actually organise and sort a problem out for an individual

grannypauline Tue 08-May-18 22:28:07

Agree totally, SueDonim. Divide and rule!

See my post here - around page 5!

M0nica Tue 08-May-18 22:30:39

I thinks NI payments should just be absorbed into general taxation. Just increase the basic rate of taxation by 12% and scrap the separate system. That way everyone, except the lowest paid, would contribute to what is now called NI on all income from all sources for life.