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Deborah Ross on Katy Hopkins!

(93 Posts)
OldMeg Thu 20-Sep-18 13:18:15

I’ve nearly inhaled my lunchtime soup reading this. Apparently this ‘vile shit-stirrer’ aka ‘well-poisoner in chief’ and ‘dick’ has filed for insolvency in a bid to avoid bankruptcy ?

Wish I could post a link to the whole article but just to say ‘nice one Deborah Ross’ you’ve nailed it!

merlotgran Thu 20-Sep-18 21:24:56

India Hicks is Mountbatten's granddaughter.

Elegran Thu 20-Sep-18 21:25:56

Merlot Cowes would be an interesting name for a female (would suit some perfectly)

Anniebach Thu 20-Sep-18 21:32:14

Yes all very cosy Petra. Their wedding vows - with all my worldly gifts etc

Mountbatten’s granddaughter is named India.

merlotgran Thu 20-Sep-18 21:34:14

The locals pronounce it 'Caze' on the Island which actually sounds quite posh.

As in, ' Hay, Nay, Brain Cay.' grin

MaizieD Thu 20-Sep-18 23:46:52

Elegran, I read that as 'Merlot Cowes'; thought it sounded quite distinguished...

Elegran Fri 21-Sep-18 08:00:58

I think you must fraternise with a different strata of Island society to my son-in-law and his family, Merlot ! grin The regatta lot?

MawBroon Fri 21-Sep-18 08:08:06

Certainly Florence is a city, but not Parthenope, MaizirD

Parthenope was one of the Sirens in Greek mythology. Her name means "Maiden-voiced

Elegran Fri 21-Sep-18 08:27:15

I didn't recognize it, but I thought that was just my ignorance.

Ranworth1 Fri 21-Sep-18 11:05:08

Jalima1108 Why do you say she lives in Devon? Why does it matter where she lives?

Jalima1108 Fri 21-Sep-18 11:06:46

Is that pronounced as you would Penelope, Maw?

Although when I thought of Penelope for a DD, DH said he'd call her Penny Lope and the other DC said she'd be Penelope Pitstop.
So I chose something else although I still like Penelope.

Jalima1108 Fri 21-Sep-18 11:08:07

I thought only the best people live in Devon Ranworth butI must be wrong

MawBroon Fri 21-Sep-18 11:12:28

“Par-then-o-pee” Jalima, like Persephone

Mamar2 Fri 21-Sep-18 11:18:09

I detest the woman & am surprised she's not been taken to court before now for her rudeness & insults. Does it all for publicity (well she's no other talent) & gets it. I feel sorru for her children.

Blinko Fri 21-Sep-18 11:19:36

Parthenope - well you learn summat new every day on GN.

mcem Fri 21-Sep-18 11:27:41

A teacher friend who was reading The Phiosopher's Stone to her class insisted I was wrong to refer to Harry Potter's sidekick as Her my oh ne when it was obviously Her may own! ( my phonetics!)

Brigidsdaughter Fri 21-Sep-18 11:30:05

OldMeg it was a great article by
Deborah Ross.
We had a right old laugh together 8n the kitchen yesterday about this!

David1968 Fri 21-Sep-18 11:37:06

Isn't this the person who said that she doesn't let her children play with children who have the "wrong sort" of name? (I. e. Names like Kylie or Wayne. These are her views - not mine!)

MawBroon Fri 21-Sep-18 11:40:31

mcem gringrin

lovebeigecardigans1955 Fri 21-Sep-18 11:47:16

Didn't it used to be 'Her my knee' as in Hermione Gingold all those years ago?
However, to get back to KH, yes I expect she's the author of her own misfortune - if you're going to be continuously nasty it'll come back to you eventually, won't it? How the mighty fall, eh?

winterwhite Fri 21-Sep-18 11:54:11

Isn't Parthenope also the classical name for Naples (so to speak), and that was the Nightingale association?

lilihu Fri 21-Sep-18 12:31:04

Found the Times article and laughed a lot!! I also read a Deborah Ross article on Waitrose advertising their student store cupboard essentials which included rose harissa paste and organic apple cyder vinegar. When she started to spell words like time as tyme and single as syngle, I was in stitches.

grannyscott Fri 21-Sep-18 13:01:28

Whoa! Please. Some responses here sail close to the wind. Why is your kind of bullying acceptable and hers not. I am certainly no fan of the lady but really- saying that only leavers children would be given those names is rather insulting.

grandtanteJE65 Fri 21-Sep-18 13:07:58

Unfortunately, it isn't until Harry Potter and the goblet of Fire that Hermione informs anyone that she prefers Hermyonee, so I had been happily calling her Hermeeonie for years as that is how my second-cousin who was twenty years older than I pronounced her name.

I think you are right, winterwhite, I dimly remember that Florence Nightingale was named for Firenze and her sister for Naples, due to their parents having spent their honeymoon in those places, or some such thing.

Purpledaffodil Fri 21-Sep-18 13:13:26

Florence and Parthenope (Naples) definitely named after cities, their parents had a two year honeymoon if I remember rightly ?And wasn’t Brooklyn Beckham named after place in which he was conceived??

MaizieD Fri 21-Sep-18 14:15:29

Florence and Parthenope (Naples) definitely named after cities,

Phew! I was beginning to doubt my memory. Thanks for confirmation, winterwhite and Purpledaffodil grin