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“Revoke Article 50 and remain in the EU” Petition

(467 Posts)
NotSpaghetti Thu 21-Mar-19 08:52:48

The government repeatedly claims exiting the EU is 'the will of the people'. Well now there is a petition demonstrating the strength of public support for revoking article 50!

GRANOFOUR Thu 21-Mar-19 11:12:21

I'll be signing this petition and forwarding it to as many people as I can.

NannyJan53 Thu 21-Mar-19 11:18:02

I signed it this morning!

EllanVannin Thu 21-Mar-19 11:21:48

Just received said email to " click " but when I clicked it gave me a "502 Bad Gateway " message.

Story of my life !!! Doesn't anything go right ?

EllanVannin Thu 21-Mar-19 11:32:37

Petition is down for maintenance-----probably crashed with so many signatures.

ayse Thu 21-Mar-19 11:46:52

Up and running again. Just signed and waiting for link to click

paddyann Thu 21-Mar-19 11:59:54

Kandinsky thats exactly how it worked in the 1979 devolution referendum in Scotland ,not only did the people who couldn't be bothered to vote count as no voters but people who were dead and still on the register !! Otherwise we'd have had devolution 20 years earlier than we did ..because the yes vote WAS higher .

jura2 Thu 21-Mar-19 15:48:32

Signed it last night- well over a million now- so the gutterpress are now stating signatures must be false- which is rubbish.

suzied Thu 21-Mar-19 16:07:27

I've signed, but haven't got the link, must have crashed again.

tanith Thu 21-Mar-19 16:07:34

Signed as it’s working at the moment waiting for confirmation email.

jura2 Thu 21-Mar-19 16:13:59

The Mirror says signatures must be false because some of them live abroad ! Yes, there are 100s of 1000s of UK citizens who are entitled to vote and live abroad. I personally know dozens who live in Switzerland and France who have voted, and dozens in the UK- and I know 100s both in UK and in EU who have voted, through Remain groups.

varian Thu 21-Mar-19 16:18:04

1,088,795 signatures

Kandinsky Thu 21-Mar-19 16:22:09

I’d say half are false. Who’s going to pay to check the authenticity of all these email accounts?

Ginny42 Thu 21-Mar-19 16:25:09

It's not checked by real people! Kandinsky your guessing is only as good as that - a guess.

jura2 Thu 21-Mar-19 16:30:21

OH has just signed - to confirm the vote- you have to give your e-mail address and they send an e-mail for you to confirm. Not received as the site can't cope with numbers.

This is the first ever petition OH has signed- we are Yin and Yang - and he is the very calm, quiet, discreet and sensible one.

BlueBelle Thu 21-Mar-19 16:35:31

How funny to say half the votes are false??? when there are huge worries about the original referendum was tampered with

Kandinsky Thu 21-Mar-19 16:37:00

But anyone with an email account can sign the petition, having an email account doesn’t mean you’re eligible to vote in UK referendums. < sigh >

tanith Thu 21-Mar-19 16:42:40

Kadinsky it’s a petition of over a million signatures now and even if as you seem to think half of them are false it should still trigger a debate. That’s all it does is trigger a debate.

icanhandthemback Thu 21-Mar-19 16:48:29

I think you'll find 17 million people effectively signed to leave 2 years ago. I heard a statistic that 30 million didn't sign to leave. Well, they had enough warning, could have voted but chose to derelict their duty as a citizen of the UK. Whilst I don't think Mrs May has handled this very well, I don't think anybody would have done much better and I certainly think that there are political shenanigans afoot to frustrate the original vote which overshadows whether the deal is a good one or not. This has certainly alerted me to the lack of true democracy in this country.

Gmum Thu 21-Mar-19 16:50:56

Very strange site is down under maintenance, sounds like brexit lol, Yes will sign its time remainers had a voice.

adaunas Thu 21-Mar-19 16:50:58

The problem really is that nothing is trustworthy. People don’t trust the first result, the politicians, the EU etc. How will we know this is trustworthy.
Also, I don’t understand this. One of my relatives moved abroad in his twenties and has no intention of ever living in the UK again, but still thinks he should be able to have a say in decisions for the UK.

Gmum Thu 21-Mar-19 16:57:40

It was not a vote it was a referendum no legal standing, that was nearly 3 years ago. What is the time limit for a referendum because if there is one its now out of date. If we kept on about votes and will of the people there would not be a general election, which also has a time limit or no new party would be elected. Time this stale referendum was reviewed, and a time limit put on it. Its getting boring hearing the 'The will of the people' chant, now we know the first one was manipulated and a whole pack of lies told to the uk citizens. The NSH is still struggling none of the issues have been addressed and lets stop blaming the EU, its the british government who set the laws in british law, not the EU. Blair government passed the Human Rights law in the uk not the EU and complicated our lives.

Wheniwasyourage Thu 21-Mar-19 17:05:34

What I don't understand (and it's probably been said on lots of threads now, as I have given up reading most of the politics ones) is this. Why are leavers, including Theresa May, who says she is with the people, so reluctant to have another vote to be sure that the people actually do want to go with her deal, or even no deal, or remain? If there were another referendum with a majority again to leave, I don't think there would be much argument about it, as that would be a vote based on what we now know.

andycameron69 Thu 21-Mar-19 17:12:23

I love petitions and marches that actually achieve nothing, nada, not a sausage....

whoop whoop out we go next week, it is in law that is fact...



Joelsnan Thu 21-Mar-19 17:24:47

I would imagine the majority of leavers have no issue with another referendum. The issue is though the majority of leavers and indeed quite a number of remainers believe in democracy and accept the democratic outcome of the initial referendum.
If you remember, the people of the Republic of Ireland held a democratic referendum and voted against the Lisbon Treaty (the UK was promised a referendum then but the government then reneged). They were told to rerun the referendum until they got the result the EU wanted which they did. Is this democracy or dictatorship?
If those who shout loudest are allowed to overturn majority democratic decisions this opens up our society to potential oppression and dictatorship.
Consider the current LGBT teaching argument. In some instances the loudest shouters are getting their way even though the majority are enlightened enough to know that humanity is not binary.

Urmstongran Thu 21-Mar-19 17:51:21

I don’t think there will be a second referendum.

However, we’re there to be one (unlikely) there will be much squabbling as to the question on the ballot paper.

Don’t try to split the Leave vote by offering more than one choice for Leavers. That way Remain know they’d romp it with just their one choice!

The only fair way would be to ask Remain or Leave on WTO. I think Leave would win by a landslide.