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The Russian Report

(136 Posts)
Whitewavemark2 Tue 21-Jul-20 14:17:13

James O'Brien

So they didn't investigate alleged Russian intereference in the referendum because they were worried that they might find proof of it. Does that sound right?

varian Tue 21-Jul-20 14:14:59

The report reveals that no one in government knew if Russia interfered in or sought to influence the [Brexit] referendum because they did not want to know"

Stewart Hosie MP says government "actively avoided looking for evidence that Russia interfered"

Daisymae Tue 21-Jul-20 14:14:30

It explains why the report has been kicked into the long grass for so long. Surely there has to be an investigation into this is it just incompetence? So much vested self interest at play.

Whitewavemark2 Tue 21-Jul-20 14:03:57

Can you imagine if this had resulted from a Corbyn government.

It just shows what a load of b...........s the Tories talk!

Whitewavemark2 Tue 21-Jul-20 13:59:42

George Monbiot
So all that stuff about sovereignty
About the national interest
About resisting the foreign powers who influence our politics.
... turns out to be total bollocks.

MaizieD Tue 21-Jul-20 13:58:45

Johnson has immediately ruled out the committee's recommendation of review of Russian interference in the referendum.

What a surprise...

Whitewavemark2 Tue 21-Jul-20 13:57:20

There is a huge amount more.

What I want to know is who is getting what from it all. Corruption writ large.

Whitewavemark2 Tue 21-Jul-20 13:56:26

Some of the money being laundered with Tory help.

Greeneyedgirl Tue 21-Jul-20 13:10:53

Well the integrity of our democracy is well and truly trashed, was pretty poor before.

The government didn’t look for any evidence............?

MaizieD Tue 21-Jul-20 13:07:34

Oh, and this recommendation: “it is nonetheless the Committee’s view that the UK Intelligence Community should produce an analogous assessment of potential Russian interference in the EU referendum and that an unclassified summary of it be published.”

Will it happen? hmm

MaizieD Tue 21-Jul-20 13:05:52

The ISC report on Russian interference is out today. It doesn't point the finger of blame at individuals, I didn't realistically think that it would (though that might be in the unpublished Annexe). But in a way it is worse, it points the finger at the last few years of tory government and the Intelligence services.

This is the summary given to the media:

Basically the report says that we know that there is Russian interference. There was no investigation of Russian interference in the EU referendum because the government chose not to pursue it.

When you look at the amount of Russian money being laundered through City financial institutions, oligarchical investment in property, football clubs, newspapers etc. and the huge amounts of Russian money being donated to the tory party you begin to understand why tory governments weren't too keen on deeper investigation...