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Rape convictions fall to a record low in England and Wales. Dame Vera Baird said in her annual report "what we are witnessing is the de-criminalisation of rape"

(105 Posts)
Iam64 Thu 30-Jul-20 18:41:25

If we had a feminism board I would have posted this there.

There were 58,657 reports of rape in 2018-19 but only 833 convictions.
If you were raped, would you report it?

watermeadow Thu 30-Jul-20 18:55:04

The great difficulty in rape trials has always been that it’s her word against his. Now, when most people are casual and promiscuous about sex, rape is not the big deal it was 100 years ago.
I was a juror in a rape trial where we found the 3 men not guilty because the girl had happily engaged in sex with them all then changed her mind.
No, I wouldn’t report a rape by someone I knew if I’d suffered no real harm.

MaizieD Thu 30-Jul-20 19:02:56

I'm a bit shock. watermeadow, but I suppose that's your opinion.

Yes, I would report it.

Ilovecheese Thu 30-Jul-20 19:20:39

I am not sure that I would to be honest, the chances of a conviction are so low. Perhaps I would now that I am an old woman, but if I was young today I would be too afraid that there would be people like watermeadow on the jury.

Firecracker123 Thu 30-Jul-20 19:28:05

It would depend on the circumstances.

I think all involved should remain anonymous not just the alleged victim.

Iam64 Thu 30-Jul-20 19:31:40

The key issue is Vera Baird's belief that we are witnessing the decriminalisation of rape.
I can't agree that rape is somehow less of " a big deal" than it was 100 years ago.
Talk to victims and the extent of 'real harm' becomes clear.

Peardrop50 Thu 30-Jul-20 19:38:07

There were 58,657 reports of rape in 2018-19 but only 833 convictions. Gosh Iam64 that is a horrendous statistic.

Yes I would at any age report rape, it is worse than assault.

I also think that in this day and age those who do report it are very brave, they often suffer character assassination on top of the trauma of the actual crime.

paddyanne Thu 30-Jul-20 19:55:38

So watermeadow I take it you never told your daughter that it doesn't matter WHEN you say should always be heeded ? No means NO ,especially in circumstances where the victim may have been cajoled or coerced into taking part in the frst instance.People like you shouldn't be ON juries!

Dinahmo Thu 30-Jul-20 20:03:32

The Secret Barrister was talking about rape on Channel 4 News last week. One of the problems has been the police requests for the mobile phones of the victims. They often want to go back several years of a victim's calls and, when the victim refuses, they drop the cases.

watermeadow What evidence do you have that most people are casual and promiscuous about sex now? And did you know that husbands commit rape sometimes?

EllanVannin Thu 30-Jul-20 20:09:18

I'm mixed here because I remember the case of Liam Allen, a student who'd been accused of rape. The young man went through Hell to clear his name after a cop had hidden 40,000 texts from the accuser. The cop hadn't thought it was relevant in the case shock ?!
Liam thought he was going to spend many years in prison.
The prosecution then accused the police of sheer incompetence. An apology in this case and those like them isn't enough.

B9exchange Thu 30-Jul-20 20:20:26

I suffered an attempted rape and murder many years ago, he was drunk fortunately, so couldn't complete either. But I never reported it. He was an (ex) boyfriend and I would have faced destruction in the witness box, and I suspect very little sympathy, even from my father, I told no-one until having a conversation on self defence with my teenage daughter.

Girls handing over their phones often lose them for months, even years, whilst every text is given to the defence counsel. So I would not report it even if it happened today.

Iam64 Thu 30-Jul-20 20:23:03

EllanVannin, no dispute about the case you mention.
That one case in now way justifies the low number of prosecutions leading to conviction. Your post suggests that you believe many of those complainants were making false allegations. Is that what you meant ?

janeainsworth Thu 30-Jul-20 20:25:47

This was reported in depth on the world at One today.

The problem seems to lie with the Crown Prosecution Service.

A woman was talking about her experiences of being beaten & raped by someone with whom she was in the early days of a relationship (her description).

She had nothing but praise for the police.
It transpired that her attacker had previous convictions for violence against women.
However, the CPS decided against bringing a prosecution, (I think) it was something to do with her exchanging texts/phone calls with her attacker after the assault.
It makes no sense to me.

EllanVannin Thu 30-Jul-20 20:59:30

Iam64, purposely misconstrued as per.

Many of these cases are complex and few are always black and white. I happen to read cases properly before I come to any conclusion. I'm not bias towards either male or female.

I would say that re-training is needed by the police on their approach to such cases in making it easier for the woman to come forward/ report incidents of this nature. It's usually their lack of evidence which lets the abused down when such a case goes to court.

The sooner these horrendous crimes are reported the quicker the action taken. Women can always ask for a female officer. Women must press charges.

Domestic abuse is another area of crime that goes unnoticed with few prosecutions toward the monstrous husband/partner. Again, women/men must press charges or the case goes nowhere.

Galaxy Thu 30-Jul-20 21:03:03

Under no circumstances would I press charges. For what purpose? The conviction rate is beyond words and there might be people like watermeadow on the jury.

Kandinsky Thu 30-Jul-20 21:07:35

It’s so difficult to prove, that’s the problem.

Iam64 Thu 30-Jul-20 21:25:31

B9exchange thanks for your post. I cross posted with you and have only just read of your experience. I understand your reluctance to report then. I share your concern about the fact that these days, mobile phones are removed from alleged victims with every text and other exchange poured over by the defence council who will be looking for anyway to discredit the alleged victim.
Galaxy, I understand why you say you wouldn't report.
Kadinsky - why is it so difficult to prove? I'm not disagreeing with you just feeling we seem to be going backwards in offering little support to victims.

It does feel as though rape is being de-criminalised.
If women have no confidence in the system, they won't report which is what Galaxy is saying. It feels like two steps forward, ten back. The Police teams now specialise, they are well trained. However there are claims that the austerity agenda has reduced police/cps time, along with the huge increase in workload due to digital downloads from the mobiles of alleged victims and defendants.
Investigations are ongoing in attempts to improve the situation.
Women Rights organisations are actively campaigning.

Luckygirl Thu 30-Jul-20 21:30:19

No, I wouldn’t report a rape by someone I knew if I’d suffered no real harm.

I am lost for words.

Esspee Thu 30-Jul-20 21:41:19

I find it impossible to understand how any woman could envision a rape in which she suffered no real harm.
Isn’t that an oxymoron?

GagaJo Thu 30-Jul-20 22:21:59


The great difficulty in rape trials has always been that it’s her word against his. Now, when most people are casual and promiscuous about sex, rape is not the big deal it was 100 years ago.
I was a juror in a rape trial where we found the 3 men not guilty because the girl had happily engaged in sex with them all then changed her mind.
No, I wouldn’t report a rape by someone I knew if I’d suffered no real harm.

Rape is always a big deal. Sex workers who willingly sell sex are traumatized by rape.

Rape isn't about sex. It's about power. Taking someone else's power.

It makes no difference if someone has willingly had sex with someone. If they later have non consensual sex, it's rape.

I was attacked 35 years ago, but fought him off. On another occasion, I gave in and allowed sex because I would have been raped if not. If these events were no big deal, why are the burnt into my memory?

And no, I didn't report it then and wouldn't report it now. Why would anyone when they know the chances of conviction are almost non-existent?

Urmstongran Thu 30-Jul-20 22:36:23

India has the most horrendous cases. If we stop reporting cases in the U.K., we become complicit.

GagaJo Thu 30-Jul-20 22:52:22

You'd have to have nerves of steel tho, Urmstongran. And know that it was about 98% likely you'd be dragged through the dirt for nothing. If nothing else proves the lack of equal rights for women, this area does.

Galaxy Thu 30-Jul-20 22:53:03

I am so sorry that happened to you gagajo.
I think there needs to be work done about the nonsense people believe about rape. The way people expect victims behave. I think only people who have been through it can understand.

Galaxy Thu 30-Jul-20 23:01:33

Oh they have just announced a judicial review into CPS rape policy. Such good news. Brilliant women who campaigned for this.

Urmstongran Thu 30-Jul-20 23:03:51

Excellent news Galaxy.