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Donald Trump for Peace Prize

(27 Posts)
trisher Thu 10-Sep-20 10:43:08

Well as the Red Queen said "Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."
So Donald is nominated for a Peace Prize
Are we really seeing the beginning of peace in the Middle East or is this the calm before the storm?

Whitewavemark2 Fri 11-Sep-20 14:55:50


I assume that the name NannyC2 is a veiled allusion to the second coming. I wonder if she had a date in mind.


grumppa Fri 11-Sep-20 14:49:19

I assume that the name NannyC2 is a veiled allusion to the second coming. I wonder if she had a date in mind.

Whitewavemark2 Fri 11-Sep-20 14:34:56


Nor I Whitewavemark2 but the theory is that he is an imperfect channel.

What a load of bunkum!!

NotSpaghetti Fri 11-Sep-20 14:33:56

And yes! I think we are all agreed that we should look beyond the mainstream media and BBC.

NotSpaghetti Fri 11-Sep-20 14:32:55

Nor I Whitewavemark2 but the theory is that he is an imperfect channel.

Whitewavemark2 Fri 11-Sep-20 13:57:01

His morals don’t bear much close scrutiny. I can’t see how that squares with Trump being some deity’s chosen one.

CraftyGranny Fri 11-Sep-20 13:40:22

Do you listen to UK Column News - they speak the truth with FACTS.
Please look beyond main media and BBC!!

I most definitely agree with that statement NannyC

NannyC2 Fri 11-Sep-20 13:23:39

If you are really interested, especially in hearing about the 14th and 17th September, then watch, fully, the following
(Kristen and Mel with explosive news.

In fact as I type this, Brian Silvester (Parish Councillor near Crewe) No Deal Brexit -Truth about the Plandemic & CHARLIE are talking live.
Brian, in England, thinks Trump will win easily!
Did you know the Bank of England was closed for a couple of weeks, as was the Bank of Spain and others?

Do you listen to UK Column News - they speak the truth with FACTS.
Please look beyond main media and BBC!!

trisher Fri 11-Sep-20 11:39:55

I'm. not sure Not Spaghetti I remember when it was a huge joke that he might be President. (wasn't it on an episode of the Simpsons?)

NotSpaghetti Fri 11-Sep-20 10:27:17

He will surely not be awarded it trisher .... ?

trisher Fri 11-Sep-20 09:55:34

I really can't decide if this is is the funniest or the scariest thing to happen. If he gets this prize and wins the next election there is no saying what he might do.

NotSpaghetti Fri 11-Sep-20 08:27:29

There are lots of people, Bluebelle, both in the USA and elsewhere who see Trump as a vessel of God. I think NannyC2 is in the UK personally as I seem to remember an earlier discussion about a Scottish Catholic retreat.

That said, the evangelical wing of the Protestant community and "orthodox" (for want of a better word) Catholics, both see Trump as a sort of flawed vessel for God. They see family as under siege from liberals so obviously Trump (who went to stand with anti-abortion campaigners don't forget) who wants to return to an "earlier" version of America, has some attraction.

Also, once you see Trump as a part of God's plan, you can't then oppose him. No rational argument will work.
The fact that he was nominated for a Peace Prize by a far-right extremist is irrelevant!

BlueBelle Fri 11-Sep-20 07:13:37

I sure am for real obviously NannyC2 is one of our American friends
I will continue laughing until the man is on medication in a secure ward Poor NannyC2 I feel sorry for your deluded thoughts
Oh I see Christianity? are you one of those people who stand with placards outside hospitals or one that believe you can cure homosexuality

Lucca Fri 11-Sep-20 05:44:14


If "he [Trump] is doing so much behind [the] scenes people are not even aware of", how does a gransnetter have this inside information?

Maybe she has “divine “ insider knowledge..

absent Fri 11-Sep-20 03:40:44

If "he [Trump] is doing so much behind [the] scenes people are not even aware of", how does a gransnetter have this inside information?

Kamiso Thu 10-Sep-20 23:43:23


NannyC2 If your view of Christianity encompasses an admiration for Trump then I really don't think you should be lecturing Bluebelle about the words she uses.

Or are your posts meant to be satirical?

It’s quite likely to be serious and even possible that he’ll be re-elected with a mandate to do whatever he wants.

Kamiso Thu 10-Sep-20 23:40:05

I laughed when I saw this! Race riots = peace? Hmm.

Quite frightening how any Americans admire him though I did see the more sane people are starting to put their heads above the parapet.

Eloethan Thu 10-Sep-20 23:32:45

NannyC2 If your view of Christianity encompasses an admiration for Trump then I really don't think you should be lecturing Bluebelle about the words she uses.

Or are your posts meant to be satirical?

NannyC2 Thu 10-Sep-20 21:57:03

I sure am for real, Bluebell - you can laugh until the cows come home - just wait and see!
Wish people would wake up and see beyond the smokescreen.
May I please ask you not to take the Lord's name in vain when starting a sentence.

BlueBelle Thu 10-Sep-20 17:45:53


Omg nannyC2 are you for real

Split my sides

Devorgilla Thu 10-Sep-20 17:33:29

Obama got it. DT will not be upstaged.

NannyC2 Thu 10-Sep-20 17:18:34

Great news.
He is doing so much behind scenes people are not even aware of...but they will soon.
Looking forward to Nov. 3rd!

NotSpaghetti Thu 10-Sep-20 11:40:33

Ha ha! ... let’s hope that’s not a case of “famous last words”!
The world is already mad - why not!

trisher Thu 10-Sep-20 11:13:28

I didn't know that NotSpaghetti thanks.

NotSpaghetti Thu 10-Sep-20 10:56:42

No, he was put forward by Christian Tybring-Gjedde who’s a Norwegian far-right politician. The interesting thing is that all nominations from national politicians are automatically accepted.
It means nothing.