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Pedants' corner

Getting the hang of it?

(15 Posts)
Anya Fri 04-Nov-16 12:36:58

Well all know, as just one example, that pictures and hung and people are hanged.

So ought it be 'hung, drawn and quartered' or 'hanged, drawn and quartered' ?

Anya Fri 04-Nov-16 12:38:48

Pictures are hung.

JackyB Fri 04-Nov-16 12:56:03

Yes, it did ought to be that, didn't it? Perhaps people started off by saying "hanged, drawn and quartered" but the two "d" sounds ran together and the vowel then mutated.

Quite honestly, I don't really want to be saying it very often, though - not a nice thing to think about.

rosesarered Fri 04-Nov-16 14:13:50

No, I think the correct thing is 'hung' simply because 'hanged' means death and the awful execution for treason meant that the man had still to be alive when he was cut down and disembowelled.Shudder.

Anya Fri 04-Nov-16 15:22:39

That's an interesting thought roses

DaphneBroon Fri 04-Nov-16 15:50:52

This sets out the difference between the two usages if anybody is interested.

Anya Fri 04-Nov-16 17:20:39

^A good mnemonic to remember the difference is the following sentence,

Curtains are hung and people are hanged.
This echoes what I said above, to use hung with inanimate objects like curtains, but to use hanged to refer to death by hanging^

Yes, this is almost as I said except I used the example of a picture.

But why then is it almost invariably 'hung, drawn and quartered ' when it ought to be 'hanged' ?

Ana Fri 04-Nov-16 17:27:45

Didn't Judges used to codemn a prisoner 'to be hung by the neck until dead'? I don't think they said 'hanged'.

Ana Fri 04-Nov-16 17:28:19


DaphneBroon Fri 04-Nov-16 18:03:31

I understand, that this is the format, but like all of us here, have clearly never heard it in a court

The sentence of this court is that you will be taken from here to the place from whence you came and there be kept in close confinement until [date of execution], and upon that day that you be taken to the place of execution and there hanged by the neck until you are dead. And may God have mercy upon your soul

Ana Fri 04-Nov-16 18:07:06

Ah, wrong then! Still, like JackyB I don't really want to dwell on it, but I think roses is probably right.

Jayanna9040 Fri 04-Nov-16 21:19:35

It is hung, drawn and quartered because it was not death by hanging. The point is you were strung up alive when the rest of it happened!

DaphneBroon Sat 05-Nov-16 08:08:34

What a gruesome preoccupation OP has set in motion.


Anya Sat 05-Nov-16 08:15:07

Oddly enough it was posts from you and DJ. on another thread which set me thinking your use of 'hung, drawn and quartered' didn't sound grammatically correct DB

Ain't that ironic? grin

rosesarered Sat 05-Nov-16 10:07:03

Well, we're getting the hang of it now Anya smile

N.B......never commit treason!