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Today is the first day

(5 Posts)
ninathenana Tue 02-May-17 18:19:41

that Bertie was allowed out. After seeming to be going stir crazy for the last two weeks we were fully expecting him to dash out the open door at the first chance.
What did he do ? He sat on the back door mat looking out the open door on and off during the day but not did not set a paw out the door. It's now raining so he's lost his chance for today grin odd cat.

annsixty Tue 02-May-17 18:42:33

My D's puppy is allowed out on the lead tomorrow for the first time. My D has told the C {who are home schooled so at home) that they are not to take him until she gets home.
Does Bertie still use a litter tray? My D also has 3 cats and although they go out a lot they still sometimes use a tray. I have told her to get rid of the trays but she keeps them in at night so she wont do that.

LadyGracie Tue 02-May-17 19:25:40

I have 17 year old Gracie and 13 year old Bertie, 2 posh cats. They both venture up the garden for their daily constitutional, maybe lie by the pond or sleep in the sun, if they're lucky! Then they're both back in to sleep off the excitement. They both use a litter tray in the conservatory, which they always have access to.

ninathenana Tue 02-May-17 19:41:46

His litter tray will be put away during the day but available at night as he will be shut in. Same as our previous cat.
I really thought he was desperate to go

Alima Tue 02-May-17 20:57:01

They are all a bit special aren't they. Our first cat, Davy, seemed rather worried when the door was finally flung open for him to go exploring. It later seemed he was very wary of grass, we would watch him tiptoe over the lawn to go and sit on a manhole cover. Hope Bertie enjoys his freedom.