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Dorkins Magnificat

(10 Posts)
GrannySomerset Mon 02-Nov-20 23:15:36

And I loved her witty name too

FoghornLeghorn Mon 02-Nov-20 23:10:57

I watched the service on a live link from the Cathedral. It was truly beautiful but for some reason I seemed to be peeling onions throughout it, especially when the Verger who she lived with for her last year, choked up while speaking about her. I’m so pleased to have seen Doorkins when I visited the cathedral last year. Hers was a lovely story and very symbolic. A little creature, homeless and unloved who found sanctuary.

Rosalyn69 Fri 30-Oct-20 17:20:19

What a beautiful story

watermeadow Fri 30-Oct-20 17:17:46

Our church has a very worn carving of a cat over the porch. 400 years ago she saved her kittens from a disastrous fire, carrying them out one by one through smoke and flames.
It’s lovely that the humble church or cathedral cat gets commemorated.

B9exchange Thu 29-Oct-20 23:51:45

Lovely video on the news tonight. I understand she is buried in the churchyard, you can visit if going to the Cathedral. We used to have a cat in our Cathedral too, a marmalade tom. He died many years ago, and the health and safety worries about allergies meant that it was decided not to get another one, but he was a great favourite with the children.

mrswoo Thu 29-Oct-20 22:03:52

I first heard about Doorkins via The Gentle Author’s Spitalfields Life blog. The blog itself is a fascinating insight into many aspects of (mainly) east London life. You don’t have to be a Londoner or live in London to enjoy it. Well worth a read.

Alegrias2 Thu 29-Oct-20 11:11:52

Ah, what a lovely story. I will make a point of seeing the corbel next time we're in London, whenever that might be! One of my cats went blind and had a stroke, just like Doorkins. It was over 15 years ago but it still makes me sad.

seacliff Thu 29-Oct-20 09:06:55

Yes this caught my eye too Whitewave, as Southwark Cathedral was my school Church many moons ago, I enjoyed singing there. Well before the time of beautiful Doorkins.

I see they have made a real fuss of her over the years, she even has her own book, and apparently has greeted the Queen. A touching story.

Whitewavemark2 Thu 29-Oct-20 07:28:31

Oh! I forgot to say, she died in the verges arms after a stroke.

The service in her remembrance was held yesterday.

What a lovely story.

Whitewavemark2 Thu 29-Oct-20 07:27:01

A lovely article today, telling the tale of Dorkins Magnificat, who started life as a street urchin but who found sanctuary in Southwark Cathedral and was cared for during the rest of her life by the Cathedral verger.

She was a cat loved by all who entered the cathedral.