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Lost and Stolen Dogs - 83 dogs found in Ipswich

(14 Posts)
Dinahmo Mon 24-May-21 14:28:31

Suffolk Police have recovered 83 dogs from a property in Ispwich, all of which were lost or stolen. There are several French bulldogs, spaniels, some dachshunds and only one that I think is a mutt.

If you know anybody who has lost a dog, please direct them to the Suffolk police website. There is also a little video on the Guardian website showing photos of some of the dogs.

I imagine that they weren't all stolen in Suffolk.

Callistemon Mon 24-May-21 15:18:48

This was on FB, I think they are the same dogs and there were more:

Callistemon Mon 24-May-21 15:24:16

Sorry, same photo twice, I will try again

They all look so sad, I hope they find their owners.

TerriBull Mon 24-May-21 16:17:37

Horrible crime! Dog theft, it's not like stealing a handbag or some other inanimate object, those animals will feel distressed no doubt and so will their owners. I do hope they are reunited before too long. I imagine people who have had their pet stolen will be following up on any possible lead, let's hope this one will prove to be a success.

BlueBelle Mon 24-May-21 16:24:55

This was quite some weeks ago I would hope if they were going to be claimed they would have by now

AGAA4 Mon 24-May-21 16:25:38

Poor dogs. Bereft owners. This is a cruel crime.

Ellianne Mon 24-May-21 16:32:56

What crosses people's minds to do something so horrible and unkind?
Money, of course.

Shandy57 Mon 24-May-21 16:44:37

These disgusting people parading as humans actually cut the microchip out so the dog's cannot be traced. I'm fully loaded now when I walk my dog with a red spray, whistle and rape alarm. I am frightened of being punched in the face/attacked which has now been reported more than once.

Ellianne Mon 24-May-21 16:46:16

I think many dogs have been stolen from people's gardens too Shandy.

Aveline Mon 24-May-21 17:33:56

This us such a cruel crime. It's unbearably painful for bereft owners and the poor dogs must be so confused and distressed. Were they found in a travellers site? I know I'm not supposed to ask that but it's the sort of thing that some of them seem to be involved in.

Esspee Mon 24-May-21 17:42:57

Sadly Aveline you are correct. They were found at a travellers site.

EllanVannin Mon 24-May-21 18:04:29

A despicable crime which results in illness and despair in the owners of the stolen dogs. So cruel to both owner and animal.

grandtanteJE65 Tue 25-May-21 11:39:32

And of course these crimes will continue unless the law is changed making it illegal for anyone who is not a registered breeder or animal shelter to sell animals without providing the buyer with details of where an adult dog, a puppy or any other household pet came from.

Sarnia Tue 25-May-21 13:37:19

Odious people. I sincerely hope all these dogs will be reunited with their owners very soon.