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Meet the newest member of the family

(33 Posts)
tanith Wed 08-Jun-16 14:51:50

Well that was fast, my granddaughter was chatting to me on FB at 10:45 as she left for the hospital and the baby was born at 11:35 she just got there in time.. smile

Meet my Grt Grandson Declan John 7lbs 11oz

Indinana Wed 08-Jun-16 19:09:25

Aw, a new baby in the family is always so lovely, puts a smile on everyone's face smile. But congratulations.

Indinana Wed 08-Jun-16 19:10:02

Er, big, not but!!! Stupid autocorrect!

janeainsworth Wed 08-Jun-16 19:33:58

Congratulations Tanith sunshine

cornergran Wed 08-Jun-16 19:42:41

Congratulations tanith, flowers for you all.

grannyqueenie Wed 08-Jun-16 22:43:55

Wow that was speedy, what a beautiful photo...enjoy all those lovely cuddles smile

glassortwo Wed 08-Jun-16 23:21:46

Congratulations Great Grandma Tanith Declan is gorgeous.

Alea Wed 08-Jun-16 23:24:31

Wow! Good thing you didn't have a longer conversation grin
Congratulations - lovely!