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Your pets

(82 Posts)
rosesarered Tue 10-Jan-17 15:46:15

Since we don't have any just at the moment ( a rarity) it would be lovely to see pics of your different pets on here, cats, dogs, birds, rabbits, there may even be more exotic ones?It may even give me ideas for the next pet we buy.
Thanks, in anticipation........

LynneB59 Thu 03-May-18 22:11:55

My Stella. She had to be put to sleep 2 weeks ago. She was 18

JuneS Fri 31-Aug-18 08:45:05

This is Beau my rescue dog. Until he came to me 3yrs ago had lived in a cage on a puppy farm for nearly 7yrs and was very sick. A dear little boy.
Mistie my cat I have had from a kitten and is 10. Sadly she is now on borrowed time as she is living with a large tumour but content at the moment.
As I am now 81 these will be my last pets so they are both treasured.

callgirl1 Thu 06-Sep-18 00:06:03

Whatever happened to Jud the Pud and her lovely Georgie? We were all agog to hear how Georgie was after her horrific accident.

MichaelDismukes Tue 18-Sep-18 05:07:49

I am a cat lover smile Just love to see cats around me. smile

SusanBetts Mon 01-Oct-18 19:53:33

Isn't he cute? Meet Charlie. smile

Nata Thu 29-Nov-18 13:50:11

My daughter with her kitty. I don't have anysmile