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NOW CLOSED: Gransnetter aged 50+? Complete a Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust survey – chance to win an iPad Mini!

(34 Posts)
LucyGransnet (GNHQ) Mon 18-Apr-16 09:51:34

Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust have asked us to find Gransnetters aged 50+ to complete a survey on cervical screening (smear tests) and cervical cancer.

This is what Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust says: "Cervical cancer is largely preventable yet every day in the UK three women lose their lives to this devastating disease. Every three hours a woman receives a cervical cancer diagnosis and a further 300,000 women a year are told they may have a cervical abnormality that could require treatment. Over a third of diagnoses are in women who are over 50 yet the number attending smear tests is going down."

Your responses to the survey will be used to help Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust create targeted campaigns to help raise awareness of cervical cancer and prevention amongst women who are over the age of 50.

Those who complete the survey will be entered into a prize draw where one lucky gransnetter will win an iPad Mini.

If you'd like to take part in the survey, please click here.

Thanks, and good luck with the prize draw!


Granny23 Mon 18-Apr-16 11:53:24

Done totally painless grin

Teetime Mon 18-Apr-16 14:14:10

All done

SueDonim Mon 18-Apr-16 14:34:09


Charleygirl Mon 18-Apr-16 14:41:32


Alima Mon 18-Apr-16 19:30:16

Completed the survey.

MountainAsh Mon 18-Apr-16 22:14:36

All done

Nanabelle Tue 19-Apr-16 00:05:03

Me too.

Judthepud2 Tue 19-Apr-16 01:01:23

Ok, done.

Greyduster Wed 20-Apr-16 08:15:35


Grannymoz Wed 20-Apr-16 10:21:00

Done it

Lupatria Wed 20-Apr-16 10:48:36

I had two of the symptoms listed in the survey and went to my doctor who referred me to the hospital.

it turned out that I had ovarian cancer although I had none of the usual symptoms of that!

after a complete hysterectomy I went into full menopause at the age of 47 - but, thankfully, I didn't have to have any further treatment. I had a ct scan every year for the next 10 years but, again thankfully, had no problems during those 10 years and I've had no problems since.

it's important to "listen" to your body and visit your doctor if something out of the ordinary happens. and it's also very important to go for a smear test when you're called and to also have a test after you are deemed "too old" to be called on a regular basis.

while I had no problems with smear tests however I must admit that I don't have to have them any more!

Molly10 Wed 20-Apr-16 13:24:37

Well done Lupatria on recognising and not ignoring your symptoms. Going to see the GP will undoubtedly have prolonged your life:-)

Miriam Wed 20-Apr-16 13:33:25

Done - quick and easy. Now for a cuppa and a biscuit!

grandMattie Wed 20-Apr-16 14:44:45

Done - and surprisingly painless
It is crucial to take any of the free tests whether bowel cancer, cervical cancer, breast cancer... It is incumbent upon oneself to be as well as possible for as long as possible!

ClaraB Wed 20-Apr-16 18:50:25

All done

etheltbags1 Wed 20-Apr-16 22:02:20

done it, I did my bowel cancer test and it was positive, Im now almost a year in remission.

GrannyGalactica Fri 22-Apr-16 12:25:10


jeanpea Fri 22-Apr-16 16:30:51

It is so important to have all types of screening that is available. Cancer & other life threatening conditions can happen to anyone & must be devastating.

Eloethan Sat 23-Apr-16 19:00:47


Purpledaffodil Sun 24-Apr-16 19:21:22


ania123 Mon 25-Apr-16 16:29:45


jeapurs54 Sat 30-Apr-16 10:26:37

I always go for my tests, it takes a few minutes and peace of mind.

nessa38ish Sat 30-Apr-16 16:00:59

all done, very painless x

carolacr Sun 01-May-16 16:02:54

I put off having a smear for 9years after having a very painful test. They have changed now and it is completely painless, all ladies need to get a test