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Hair removal

(3 Posts)
Woody62 Wed 18-May-22 12:04:48

Does anyone have any tips for removing hair from face and top lip that really work please

GagaJo Wed 18-May-22 12:22:42

A lighter. Not a joke. I do my chin and sides of my face this way. Waxing leaves me in blotches. Hair remover cream gives me a rash.

Have the lighter on low.
Make sure your hair is pulled/tied back.
Quickly run the flame over your chin/sides of face.
Use a cold damp flannel to clean off any singeing.

It works well and is free!

I do wax my top lip. Can't manage the lighter trick there.

Elizabeth27 Wed 18-May-22 12:28:26

I use a sensitive hair removing cream.