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The pros and cons of having a Best Friend in childhood

(28 Posts)
jack Tue 20-Mar-12 08:33:28

There was a news item this morning suggesting that children should not be allowed to have best friends at primary school as these friendships exclude others. I have never heard such nonsense.

Children should be allowed to create and make their own relationships, otherwise they will have no real experience of the joys and sorrows of special friendships.

I have had a best friend (from school) since we were seven. Nearly 60 years later we are still best friends and the love and support we have been able to give each other over the years has been phenomenal.

We both have large circles of close friends as well and we love sharing friends.

I am so glad no-one stopped us being best friends when we were little. Life would have been less sweet without our rich and wonderful friendship.

goldengirl Wed 21-Mar-12 14:05:09

Perhaps the article was written by someone who has never had a best friend. I certainly had one and although not close now we still exchange Christmas cards. In fact, thinking about it I had several best friends at different times of my school life. I'm in touch with women I shared a college residence with and one particular friend with whom I shared childcare. I'm not a 'best friend' sort of person these days but I really appreciate what individual friends can offer to each other. I also had 'boy friends' as well as 'boyfriends'.

yogagran Wed 21-Mar-12 21:00:09

Mini shirt as well nanachrissy??