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Regrets in life and dealing with mistakes you have made

(57 Posts)
Marydoll Mon 31-Aug-20 10:22:50

I too have been doing this recently, especially thinking about my teaching career.
I can't remember what I did yesterday, but events of years ago are so clear in my mind. Thinking about pupils and could I have been kinder or had more patience with them when they were disruptive, has been niggling away in my head.

I envy my husband's capacity to compartmentalise things and move on. I wish I could turn the clock back, but hindsight is a great thing!

Urmstongran Mon 31-Aug-20 10:19:30

Only ‘if it’s remembrance brings you pleasure’ surely? Some memories are upsetting. No thanks - for my mental well being!

Cs783 Mon 31-Aug-20 10:16:45

Ideally, a little reflection then ‘Think only of the past as its remembrance brings you pleasure’ (Jane Austen). Not truly feasible, but cheering.

Urmstongran Mon 31-Aug-20 10:04:42

I find I can ruminate if I wake during the night. In my head I have to say ‘no, I’m not going there thank you’ and close one or two doors quite firmly.

Charleygirl5 Mon 31-Aug-20 10:00:43

Je non regret rien

My French is not brilliant but you get the message

Luckygirl Mon 31-Aug-20 09:54:08

I spend a lot of time going over things I might have done better - as a mother; as a wife etc. Therein lies madness. We are all human and get things wrong sometimes. I remind myself of the good things I did for my OH (now dead) in spite of the ups and downs; and of the wonderful people my children have become - I/we must have done some things right I feel.

It is really a question of not dwelling on these things and countering each negative thought with a positive one - there will be lots I am sure.

greengreengrass Mon 31-Aug-20 09:25:08

Over lockdown I have seemed to be rerunning my life in dreams etc. Quite vividly coming back to me.

I suppose nearly sixty years worth of life inevitably brings with it things that I wish I had handled differently. Lots of them. But of course can't undo certain things.

My question is, how does everyone else deal with such things. Do you revisit things in your head or how does it work for you?