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Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill

(5 Posts)
Greeneyedgirl Thu 22-Jul-21 12:30:19

Apologies if already a thread which I haven’t seen on this. With this proposed Bill to give vertebrate animals recognition of sentience in Law, isn’t it hypocritical to continue to breed animals for food, or indeed to eat them?
I am not a vegetarian, but feel seriously challenged about meat eating for welfare and environmental issues…..but I like a steak. What do others think?

ElderlyPerson Thu 22-Jul-21 15:22:22

I have been a vegan for over twenty years. It was thoughts like you are having now that caused me to become vegan.

If you are unhappy about eating the stuff you mention (I avoid using the word whenever possible) then please consider becoming a vegan.

Is it hypocritical to be just a vegetarian and thereby going along with the stealing of babies from their mothers and then stealing from the mother the milk intended for her baby?

There are now products made from plants that are designed so as to taste close to the taste of [redacted adjective] products to help people become vegan if they want to do so.

Wanting to do so is the big part.

A lot of vegan food does not look like it is an alternative to what it is an alternative, as in [redacted] and two veg.

You could ask yourself why you like a steak.

When you say "welfare" do you mean the animal or you or both?

You could perhaps, but only if you want to, have vegan food on one day each week and then if that goes well add another day each week and so on.

Or you could choose to say "Right, from now I am vegan".

If you do become vegan you will need to be careful over getting enough vitamin B12. There are tablets, but I get my B12 from Alpro unsweetened UHT soya drink as I have a litre every day and is fortified with vitamin B12. I am not a clinician, this is just chat.

ElderlyPerson Thu 22-Jul-21 15:24:36

A link, but only click if you want to do so.

Greeneyedgirl Thu 22-Jul-21 15:37:30

I don’t each much meat, but do also eat fish. Many of my meals are vegetarian. I have friends who are vegan, but have noticed quite a lot of their food seems highly processed for convenience, otherwise involves lots of chopping and adding numerous ingredients to make food flavoursome. I must admit the hassle puts me off.
I like dairy products too, but am aware of what animals have to put up with to supply these “luxuries”. I also have to consider OH meals…….
I am increasingly worried however about the ethics of eating animals, and why for example it is acceptable to eat sheep and cows in our culture, but not cats and dogs if all are sentient?

Greeneyedgirl Thu 22-Jul-21 15:40:49

I wonder if any pet lovers and owners on here also feel uneasy about meat eating, and if not how do thy reconcile it if they are not vegan/veggie?