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Seamless socks

(5 Posts)
Elegran Wed 02-Jan-19 17:33:46

Try the sock shop smooth seam socks.¤cy=GBP&asug=&w=smooth+seam+socks

Fennel Wed 02-Jan-19 17:22:35

I have the same problem and wear black knee socks from John Lewis. I think they're cotton.
There is a light seam, but on my feet it comes at the base of my toes. I have long toes with multiple problems.
Ask your podiatrist for advice too.

Welshwife Wed 02-Jan-19 17:22:34

I have some Pringle socks which do not have a toes seam

M0nica Wed 02-Jan-19 16:41:10

Look on ebay, there are vast quantities of them available.

jellybeanjean Wed 02-Jan-19 16:38:54

I'm trying to find socks without a toe seam as the ones I have irritate my very sensitive toes. M&S sell them for children but apparently not for adults. Have tried googling them but am not getting on very well. Recommendations would be very much appreciated ?