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John Denver

(20 Posts)
pensionpat Sun 18-Mar-18 23:02:24

I found this on catch-up and really enjoyed it.

hildajenniJ Sun 18-Mar-18 19:32:26

No I never saw him live OurKid. My sisters and I were huge fans ever since seeing his TV shows in the '70's.

OurKid1 Sun 18-Mar-18 18:51:30

Meant to say "one of very FEW John Denver fans" in lines 1 and 2 - sorry.

OurKid1 Sun 18-Mar-18 18:50:44

Just happened upon this while browsing GN and so glad I did! I thought I was one of very John Denver fans. I've known and appreciated his music since the 1970s and still do! Lost count of the number of albums I have, but it must be in the 80s - yep, there are that many! So much more to him than the NHS specs wearing slightly geeky man he is usually shown as.
hildajenniJ Cool'n'Green'n'Shady is one of my absolute favourites too. Have you ever seen him live? We did in the early 1990s - brilliant!
Annie's Song is MrOK's and my 'Our Song' for reasons too tenuous to go into involving Halloween 1976, our first proper date, a window-shopping walk after the shops had closed and MrOK lending me his jacket and being somewhat smitten with me ... !

henetha Wed 07-Mar-18 10:05:46

I think I saw that programme a while ago. He was wonderful, wasn't he. Such a pure voice, and an interesting man.

Luckygirl Wed 07-Mar-18 07:31:39

It is always so sad to see these documentaries of famous singers - so often there is huge sadness behind the scenes - in his case two divorces. He was a splendid singer and wonderful songwriter.

SueDonim Wed 07-Mar-18 02:08:01

To have a song like that written for you sure beats a bunch of flowers as an apology!

MissAdventure Tue 06-Mar-18 23:34:39

Yes, that was the impression I got, Sue.
I'm sure I also saw somewhere that he wrote Annie's song very quickly to sweeten up his wife, having done something 'wrong'.
And they say romance is dead! smile

SueDonim Tue 06-Mar-18 23:19:19

I caught up with this last night and found I had seen it before. It bore watching again, though, so I had a happy hour in front of the tv.

Yes, he had another side to him, MissAdventure. He was quite a troubled man.

tassiegran Tue 06-Mar-18 22:55:55

Saw him in concert here in Tasmania many many years ago and have never forgotten how wonderful the show was - just him and two or three different guitars that he played. Beautiful songs that live on always.

Purpledaffodil Tue 06-Mar-18 20:56:36

Washerwoman it was a repeat of a programme from a few years ago. But well worth watching again if you like his voice as we do.

hildajenniJ Tue 06-Mar-18 20:53:18

Sorry, that link doesn't work. I'll try again.
Cool An' Green An' Shady

hildajenniJ Tue 06-Mar-18 20:52:02

"Cool and green and shady" is one of my favourite songs.
An' Green An' Shady ink{\]]t}

MissAdventure Tue 06-Mar-18 19:54:31

I watched a programme about him quite a while ago, and it painted quite a different picture.. still, he has a wonderful voice, and 'Annies song' almost has me in tears, its so lovely.

Washerwoman Tue 06-Mar-18 19:52:23

I will look this up.I wonder if it's a repeat of a programme about him I saw a couple of years ago?Even if it is would love to see it again.It was very moving and as you say a reminder of how not only how talented he was,but also how ahead of his time he was especially regarding concerns about the environment.

MissAdventure Mon 05-Mar-18 22:04:28

He has the most lovely, pure tone to his voice.

hildajenniJ Mon 05-Mar-18 22:02:58

I had all John Denver's albums when I was younger. Funnily enough, I was listening to his songs while making lunch today.

NfkDumpling Mon 05-Mar-18 21:14:36

I missed it too. I’ll look back for it. I love his music.

SueDonim Mon 05-Mar-18 20:55:50

Thank you for this. I've been a John Denver fan since the early 70's so I will track down the programme.

AyjayF Mon 05-Mar-18 18:19:53

There was a lovely programme about John Denver on BBC 4 the other evening.
I've never considered myself a big fan of his but watching this I realised how many hits he had and how beautiful his music was. It also highlighted his environmental and humanitarian work. He was doing these things in the 1970's before other celebrities started/ supported charities in Africa etc.
He died in a plane accident tragically young.
The programme was so joyful and was a reminder of a great singer/songwriter + a great man.