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Those who shout the loudest

(5 Posts)
tanith Sun 01-Dec-19 12:18:33

Just blame another party for their own lack of action, turns me off I just want a straight answer without playing the blame game. ???

Chewbacca Sun 01-Dec-19 12:17:00

Sarah Montague is terrible for this. She asks incisive and pertinent questions but then butts in constantly and speaks over them when her guest is attempting to answer her. Really irritating!

EllanVannin Sun 01-Dec-19 12:13:26

Empty vessels---------

eazybee Sun 01-Dec-19 11:42:14

And I am sick of interviewers who ask questions, then constantly interrupt before the interviewee has even finished the first sentence.

morethan2 Sun 01-Dec-19 10:07:30

This seems to be the mantra of a lot of our of our politicians. Rather than answer a direct question they seem to think it’s perfectly acceptable to just shout down the interviewer with the same old sound bites.
Do they think the general public can’t see through this?
It makes me feel patronised, annoyed. I’m really really sick of it....and them.angry