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Tearful after work

(3 Posts)
Millymoo Mon 08-May-17 17:01:48

Hi all. After working somewhere else for a year I decided to move back to my previous very large organisation and was welcomed with open arms by higher management. I get on well with my new team and they are supportive, friends I had previously were smiley and nice on my return. However I now have to deal with their teams who are argumentative, awkward and downright rude. Feedback from my team say they are always a problem. Previous friends (team managers) don't answer my calls or emails. My next step is to visit (unannounced) for face to face talk - I will be upbeat. But this has knocked me today and had a little weep on the way home and could have a good bawl if DH wasn't here. I feel betrayed. Some people seem to brush off upsets easily whilst I worry and get anxious. I am by far the eldest and feel silly at getting upset. Any advice please on how to toughen up?

Hilltopgran Mon 08-May-17 17:22:02

I do not think managing people who like to challenge is ever easy, it is not you that has the problem it is the people who through poor personal communication skills resort to being as you describe.
When taking over a new team I always tried to listen to them first to find out what their views were, workout who were the ones most likely to be verbal and often initially quite challenging. Experience taught me that if you can find out why they are unhappy and behave in a certain way, you might be in a position to change things and if you show you are trying to understand their point of view I found staff were suddenly much more receptive.
Good luck, you will be fine just take a deep breath, stay calm and face them, much better to face it than dread it!

Millymoo Mon 08-May-17 17:37:30

Thanks hilltopgran for your help, going to try and forget about it tonight (somehow) and arrange some face to face visits. If I get a frosty response will go anyway staying upbeat and keep smiling. Deep breaths ?