Mushroom & cheese croustade recipe

Mushroom & cheese croustade recipe from happiwing37

nut free kids can help ok to freeze vegetarian
Category Vegetarian recipes
Prep time20 mins
Cook time35 mins

gransnetter ratings

Ease of finding ingredients n/a
Ease of cookingn/a
Success with kidsn/a
Success with adultsn/a
Overall Markn/a


For the crust:
115g (4oz) breadcrumbs (wholemeal)
30g (1oz) flour
30g (1oz) wheatgerm
55g (2oz) oatmeal
1 tsp salt
1 tsp marjoram
115g (4oz) Butter

For the filling:
1 tbsp Sunflower Oil
1 onion (peeled and finely chopped)
225g (8oz) mushrooms (diced)
115g (4oz) cheddar cheese (grated)
2 eggs
5 fl oz milk
Salt and pepper


1. Preheat oven to 200C, Gas 6, 400 F.
2. Mix together breadcrumbs, flour, wheatgerm, oatmeal, salt & pepper & herbs. Melt butter, pour over dry ingredients & mix well. Press into 8 inch flan dish. Bake for 10 mins then leave to cool.
3. Meanwhile prepare filling. Heat oil & gently fry onion for 3 mins, add mushrooms & cook for 5 mins.
4. Cover crumb case with grated cheese, spoon over onions & mushrooms. Beat eggs and milk together, season well and pour over the top. Bake for 35 mins.

gransnetter Reviews

From: happiwing37 on Sat 23-Jul-11 14:47:22 Overall rating: 0.0
One of my favourites as every guest always asks for a copy of the recipe, and an interesting change from a quiche