Pasta with peas recipe

Pasta with peas recipe from hughese

egg free nut free kids can help
Category Handed down recipes
Prep time5 mins
Cook time15 mins

gransnetter ratings

Ease of finding ingredients n/a
Ease of cookingn/a
Success with kidsn/a
Success with adultsn/a
Overall Markn/a


Frozen peas
Pancetta (one packet)
Spring onions (bunch)

Handy Hint

Cook peas in microwave


1. Fry a pack of pancetta, then add the chopped spring onions to the pan.
2. Meanwhile cook peas and pasta.
3. Once ready mix together and sprinkle liberally with grated parmesan.

gransnetter Reviews

From: hughese on Wed 07-Dec-11 06:51:32 Overall rating: 0.0
Very quick supper dish