Garden vegetable pasta recipe

Garden vegetable pasta recipe from francesb

gluten free nut free kids can help ok to freeze vegetarian
Category Pasta recipes
Prep time10 mins
Cook time20 mins

gransnetter ratings

Ease of finding ingredients n/a
Ease of cookingn/a
Success with kidsn/a
Success with adultsn/a
Overall Markn/a


350g penne
140g broccoli (cut into small florets)
150g sugar snap peas (diced)
2 courgettes (diced)
1tsp olive oil
100g light soft cheese
50g grated parmesan
Large handful of basil
Juice of half a lemon


1.Cook the pasta according to the pack instructions,vadding the broccoli florets and sugar snap peas to the pan for the final 3 minutes of cooking time.vMeanwhile,vgently fry the courgettes in the oil for 7-8 minutes until soft and tinged pale golden.
2.vWhen the pasta and vegetables are almost ready, remove a ladelful of the cooking water from the pan and pour into a bowl. Add 6 tbsp of water to the pan of courgettes, along with the soft cheese, parmesan, lemon rind, half the lemon juice and seasoning. Stir to make a smooth,creamy sauce.
3. Drain the pasta and vegetables, then mix with the sauce, adding the basil, extra lemon juice and seasoning to taste.

gransnetter Reviews

From: francesb on Sun 08-Apr-12 20:29:13 Overall rating: 0.0