Tropical layered yoghurt recipe

Tropical layered yoghurt recipe from probablyedible

egg free gluten free can make in advance ok to freeze vegetarian slow cooker low fat
Category Dessert recipes
Prep time5 mins
Cook time30 mins

gransnetter ratings

Ease of finding ingredients n/a
Ease of cookingn/a
Success with kidsn/a
Success with adultsn/a
Overall Markn/a


1 large mango
1 small can coconut water
8 fresh figs
Plain Greek or natural yoghurt
Sugar to taste (optional)

Handy Hint

Buy tinned mango and drain off juice if fresh mangos aren't available. Also, mango sauce can be frozen and used at a later date.


1. Peel mango and remove stone. Chop flesh into small chunks and place in saucepan.
2. Next add the coconut water and thoroughly mash mixture with a fork or potato masher.
3. Place pan over a medium heat and simmer until sauce has reduced by roughly half. Set aside to cool.
4. Pour a small portion of yoghurt into a bowl and top with figs sliced into quarters. Finally, pour the mango and coconut sauce over the top and serve immediately. (Sugar can be added to the sauce if you would prefer it sweeter.)

gransnetter Reviews

From: probablyedible on Mon 09-Apr-12 23:57:07 Overall rating: 0.0
A delightful fruity yoghurt and fruit desert for warm summer days.