Fail safe Scones

Fail safe Scones from Lillyputt

dairy free nut free kids can help ok to freeze
Category Cakes and biscuits recipes
ServesMakes 10
Prep time30 mins
Cook time10/12 mins

gransnetter ratings

Ease of finding ingredients n/a
Ease of cookingn/a
Success with kidsn/a
Success with adultsn/a
Overall Markn/a

300g/2 cups flour – use organic white or a mixture of white and brown flour if preferred
3 teaspoons baking powder
pinch salt
1 egg beaten with sufficient milk to make up about ¾ cup liquid
3 tablespoons rapeseed oil or butter
(If butter is used then it must be rubbed into the dry ingredients  – this is the traditional way of making scones)

Handy Hint

Make sure you put oven on first to get it up to Temperature


Makes approx. 10 scones.
1. Place the dry ingredients in a bowl.
2. Add the milk to the beaten egg mixture and then add the oil. Mix well.
3. Using a fork, gently mix all but a tablespoon of the milk mixture into the dry ingredients until they are just blended together. If using butter, use your fingers to crumble the butter together with the flour then add the egg and milk mixture (omit oil).
4. Topple the contents of the bowl onto a dry, floured surface and knead very little until the mixture only just holds together.
5. Pat the dough out and then fold in half and pat the two halves together lightly (this gives the traditional two tier look to the scones). The dough be at a thickness of 3.5cm.
6. Cut scones with a floured cutter or glass and place on baking sheet and glaze with remaining egg mixture.
7. Bake in oven 450ºF (230ºC) for 10 -12 minutes or until golden brown.
8. Serve hot with jam and cream.
Substitute buttermilk for the milk but add ½ teaspoon of sifted bicarbonate of soda to the dry ingredients.
Add 30g/2 ozs caster sugar and 30g/sultanas to the dry ingredients.
Add ¾ cup grated cheese to the dry ingredients and then proceed as above. Use a sharp, well flavoured
cheddar cheese or parmesan. Any cheese of choice can be used successfully. Add a half a cup of finely
chopped chives or parsley for colour. Sprinkle the top of the glazed scone with paprika before baking.
Add a few tablespoons each of chopped parsley, spring onions and any other herb of your choice to the dry ingredients. Also use ½ cup cheese for extra flavour.

gransnetter Reviews

From: Lillyputt on Sat 11-Jul-20 13:23:44 Overall rating: 0.0
My Scones have never been better