Gransnet forums


An evil act

(30 Posts)
Newatthis Sat 01-May-21 18:24:07

I was shocked when I read this - how can people be so evil.

hulahoop Sun 02-May-21 15:59:50

They should be made to clean it off so people can see who they are ,they wouldn't think it was funny then

Blinko Sun 02-May-21 16:05:02

Pity we did away with the stocks...

timetogo2016 Sun 02-May-21 16:08:17

Lowest of the low,scumbags.
I really do hope that what goes around comes around.
And one day i hope they will regret what they have done,doubt it though.

3nanny6 Sun 02-May-21 16:33:14

Probably some young kids with too much idle free time on their hands and living without too much parental supervision going on.
Sadly they may not have given a thought to the people they were upsetting by such hurtful vandalism