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Dominic Cummings says Tory MPs 'don't care about the NHS'

(45 Posts)
GagaJo Fri 03-Apr-20 00:16:39

I thought about putting this in the Corona Virus forum, because this is why the underfunded NHS is not providing PPE, enough nurses, beds, ventilators. This is why there will be thousands of deaths of people that could have been saved.
Because at the very root of it all, the Tories don't want to fund the NHS. From the mouth of the man who controls the PM himself.

Dinahmo Wed 08-Apr-20 17:29:46

GrannyIggle Austerity was about not funding public services and benefits etc etc. Bailing the banks out wasn't just to help the rich guys. A few weeks before the crash we sold a house and the 90% of the proceeds was sitting in Northern Rock. Do you remember the queues to get money out? I was sure that the government wouldn't allow it to fail but because my husband was worried I tried a few times to transfer the funds out and managed to so. This was the first of the banks to hit difficulties.

Millions of people kept their savings with a bank. Can you imagine the outcry and chaos that would have ensued had the government not bailed them out? Of course the government should have reined them in afterwards but, by the time the dust had settled we had a Tory government who were not likely to do much about it.

Whitewavemark2 Wed 08-Apr-20 11:56:59

Btw how is the exponent of eugenics doing?

GrannieIggle Wed 08-Apr-20 11:54:07

Whitewavemark2 Hahahaha! Snowballs and hell come to mind!

GagaJo thanks Let's go for it, eh?!

GagaJo Mon 06-Apr-20 15:57:46

Very well said, GrannyIggle.

Whitewavemark2 Mon 06-Apr-20 15:17:37

I take it then grannyiggle that the Tory party is your natural home???

GrannieIggle Mon 06-Apr-20 15:14:38

You wrote: We also need to urgently unlearn the prevailing myths about how money and the economy 'works' so that we can't be fooled into accepting austerity again...

Too true.

On another thread here there's a discussion about some Lord's opinion that lockdown will wreck the economy and the old/disabled shouldn't be protected.

Apparently, he's a top lawyer. Ok, so what about lawyering endows him with economic modeling and prediction skills?! The risk to his investment portfolio?

What about the way the economy has been run (increasingly in favour of globalist profiteers and ever more avaricious investors) over the past 40yrs is actually good for the majority of us?

'Austerity' was all to do with shunting our money to schemes enabling stock markets, banks and other ailing global corps to stay afloat when they should have been liquidated. When ordinary people are defrauded into poverty to support the wealthy to become even wealthier, it's obvious that the unfettered globalist agenda is a failed ideology. Capitalism has to work for everyone, no one should be enslaved by it!

I keep banging on about this: horrid and tragic though it is, this Covid calamity is offering us a great opportunity to rethink the way we want our societies and our lives to be.

(BTW, I'm strictly apolitical. I don't support any political party. In a nutshell, I do though support fairness, freedom with responsibility, authentic democracy, human rights and the dignity they convey to all).

Whitewavemark2 Sun 05-Apr-20 20:22:54

Danny Boyle one of the good people.

GrannieIggle Sun 05-Apr-20 20:06:30


Good catch. He put it brilliantly, in a nutshell.
Will be circulating this.

trisher Sun 05-Apr-20 10:41:52

Let's hope MaizieD thanks for posting that.

MaizieD Sat 04-Apr-20 22:28:57

Here's a starter from Danny Boyle:

Indeed, you have to wonder if the virus is so very different from extractive capitalism. It commandeers the manufacturing elements of its hosts, gets them to make stuff for it; kills a fair few, but not enough to stop it spreading. There is no normal for us to go back to. People sleeping in the streets wasn’t normal; children living in poverty wasn’t normal; neither was our taxes helping to bomb the people of Yemen. Using other people’s lives to pile up objects wasn’t normal, the whole thing was absurd. Governments are currently busy pouring money into propping up existing inequalities, and bailing out businesses that have made their shareholders rich. The world’s worst people think that everybody is going to come out of this in a few months and go willingly back into a kind of numbing servitude. Surely it’s time to start imagining something better.

MaizieD Sat 04-Apr-20 22:21:15

Thanks, GrannieIggle grin

We also need to urgently unlearn the prevailing myths about how money and the economy 'works' so that we can't be fooled into accepting austerity again...

GrannieIggle Sat 04-Apr-20 18:57:11

You said "I think it's time that we had a rethink about the function of government. Is it to care for and protect all the citizens of the country being governed or is it for forwarding the interests of a particular section?

... The tories have been hell bent on shrinking the state and privatising everything for 4 decades now. Nor do I see the relevance to this of 'many people right across society are involved in helping others and supporting progressive causes'. They, poor s-ds, however worthwhile their involvement, seem to me to be propping up a corrupt regime which has no interest at all in social justice or caring for our citizens."

Thoroughly agree with you.

We need a whole system, big picture, serious public discussion about our system of government and about the principles we want it to adhere to.

We also urgently need the same kind of discussion about the decimation of our public services. And the level of quality we want for everyone.

Re government - how can it be right that there are so many Old Etonians and former public schoolboys and Oxbridge graduates in the cabinet and in Parliament generally? How on earth can there be authentic representation?

Having people from elite classes to represent the people and advance the needs of the disadvantaged was essential 70-100 years ago. But surely our state schools and not-Oxbridge unis should be good enough by now to be filling Parliament to the rafters with we-the-people?! (oh, and why do Parliamentarians enjoy private health insurance..?)

Re: the parlous decline of public services. See the above!

Whitewavemark2 Fri 03-Apr-20 20:11:34

Good pink and thanks for replying

GagaJo Fri 03-Apr-20 19:22:25

Just glad you're here PQ. Sending best wishes.

pinkquartz Fri 03-Apr-20 19:08:31


er not altogether ,
I have mild symptoms.....but better today than the preceding days.

Whitewavemark2 Fri 03-Apr-20 15:00:29

Are you OK pinkquartz?

pinkquartz Fri 03-Apr-20 14:31:13

sorry again......
can't do it Virus brain.......

pinkquartz Fri 03-Apr-20 14:30:25

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Dominic Cummings says Tory MPs 'don't care about the NHS' (27 Posts)
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GagaJo Fri 03-Apr-20 00:16:39

I thought about putting this in the Corona Virus forum, because this is why the underfunded NHS is not providing PPE, enough nurses, beds, ventilators. This is why there will be thousands of deaths of people that could have been saved.
Because at the very root of it all, the Tories don't want to fund the NHS. From the mouth of the man who controls the PM himself.
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pinkquartz Fri 03-Apr-20 14:29:23

*A spokesperson said she believes the government does not have the expertise it needs to source the products from UK firms because it is so used to importing goods from overseas.

So This Writer would suggest that the government has been hiding the fact in order to prevent embarrassment for ministers.*

sorry wrong place asterisk

pinkquartz Fri 03-Apr-20 14:29:23

*A spokesperson said she believes the government does not have the expertise it needs to source the products from UK firms because it is so used to importing goods from overseas.

So This Writer would suggest that the government has been hiding the fact in order to prevent embarrassment for ministers.*

THIS.......... but also fear that Cummings does indeed want to kill off the weak which includes me.
might be better is all the top bods had a taste of it, or their loved ones......maybe it will change their minds?

Does Cummings even have a*loved one* ? People are most vulnerable seeing the people they love in pain.
Could it make the Govt liars more human?

Grany Fri 03-Apr-20 14:17:11

Why is the government dragging its feet so badly on the provision of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) to NHS workers? Do the Tories have some psychotic desire to watch us all die of the coronavirus?

The NHS procurement chief Alan Hoskins, whose tweet on Sunday, which has since been deleted, said: “What a day, no gowns NHS Supply Chain. Rang every number escalated to NHS England, just got message back — no stock, can’t help, can send you a PPE pack. Losing the will to live, god help us all.”

It’s possible that the tweet was deleted under duress, as it seems doctors have been warned not to make any comments about shortages on social media, as well as avoiding talking to journalists, and NHS England has taken over media operations for many hospitals and health trusts in order to ensure that they all stay “on message”.

Some doctors claimed managers had threatened their careers if they breathed a word of how bad the situation really was:

This part is grimly amusing: “NHS England confirmed it was controlling media communications, which it said was part of its national emergency incident planning to ensure the public received “clear and consistent information”. Notice that nothing is said about that information being factually accurate!

But why aren’t NHS workers getting the protective equipment they need?

It’s a good question, considering the manufacturers have been desperate to provide it, but haven’t been able to even start making them until the government put in an order – and the government did nothing but stall for a prolonged period of time:

Fashion and textile firms said they could have begun making gowns and masks for frontline workers on March 19.

The government, meanwhile, has been insisting that everything is all right – creating something of a credibility gap:

Trade group Make It British said factories had been receiving calls from individual hospitals, begging them to send anything they could provide.

A spokesperson said she believes the government does not have the expertise it needs to source the products from UK firms because it is so used to importing goods from overseas.

So This Writer would suggest that the government has been hiding the fact in order to prevent embarrassment for ministers.

And that leads me to the big question:

Which is more important – saving lives or saving Tory ministers’ blushes?

GagaJo Fri 03-Apr-20 14:12:19

Great post, growstuff.

Obviously, they're rhetorical questions. Because we should all want to live in a society where everyone is cared for. But as you show, plenty of people ONLY care about themselves.

This virus doesn't discriminate though. As much as I NEVER want anyone to die from something as horrible as this, I hope enough of the elite are affected to wake up and realise that we either all care for each other OR we all go down together.

growstuff Fri 03-Apr-20 13:57:42

I disagree that it's a narrow remit. It's symptomatic of a trend in society. Why should people pay for the NHS when they have private health insurance or can afford to pay for an operation, while others have to wait years? Why should people care about schools, when they can afford to send their children to private school? Why should people care about libraries, SureStart centres and leisure centres, when they don't use them? Why should people invest in council housing, when they can afford a mortgage? I could continue. It's a reversal of the public ideology in the late nineteenth century and after WW2.

growstuff Fri 03-Apr-20 13:51:11

I think it goes much deeper than pay rises for nurses. Nearly all public service workers have seen their pay fall in real terms over the last ten years. Ideologically, Tories don't believe in public services for the good of all. Sadly, I think an increasing number of the public don't either.

Whitewavemark2 Fri 03-Apr-20 13:50:59

grow that is why I think day to day decisions needs taking out of government hands, and put into an overseeing independent body.

M0nica Fri 03-Apr-20 13:49:05

trisher you are taking my posts from the very narrow remit they started with - a grossly calumnous statement by bradfordlass into party political matters, which are irrelevant to my posts to date.