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Knitted lion

(16 Posts)
loopylou Wed 25-Feb-15 19:17:37

I'm feeling rather chuffed with how this turned out grin!
DGS (18 mths old, bless!) calls it 'Cuddles'.....

loopylou Wed 25-Feb-15 19:19:43

Oh bum....why has it turned through 90 degrees....confused, was right way up in 'preview'!

Anne58 Wed 25-Feb-15 19:44:41

Looks great to me loopy and the right way up! grin

loopylou Wed 25-Feb-15 20:03:26

Seriously weird! It was on its side when I opened the thread on Active.
Thank you Phoenix....and I haven't had any wine.....

rosequartz Wed 25-Feb-15 20:13:51

Looks great
I can see why he has been christened 'Cuddles'
(Nice even knitting btw!)

AshTree Sat 21-Mar-15 15:05:28

I made that same lion for my grandson! The mane was a bit tedious, wasn't it? But so worth it - I loved the final result. I also made the elephant and the monkey from the same book but have yet to tackle the rest of the animals.

loopylou Sat 21-Mar-15 15:22:08

It's lovely, isn't it? I've done the monkey, zebra and crocodile too.
The lion's mane took me ages to fathom out......
Can't seem to upload photos, for some reason!

loopylou Sat 21-Mar-15 15:41:28


hildajenniJ Sat 21-Mar-15 15:41:39

Love it. He looks very jolly. My DGS has a beanie baby lion he call RaRa.

kittylester Sat 21-Mar-15 15:45:14

I absolutely love the monkey!!

MiniMouse Sat 21-Mar-15 16:47:03

They both look fantastic, but the monkey does it for me!

janerowena Sat 21-Mar-15 16:48:30

I love the monkey too! smile

AshTree Sun 22-Mar-15 08:13:09

Oh I love your zaney monkey! It never occurred to me to do it in a multicoloured yarn - it really suits this pattern. Well you know what I'm going to do with the next one, don't you, haha! The only photo I've got of mine is very festive because I made them as a Christmas present for my then 6 month old grandson (and took this shot to post on another site).
And, erm, I'm having problems uploading this photo...

ffinnochio Sun 22-Mar-15 08:14:51

I wish I could knit! Love these.

AshTree Sun 22-Mar-15 08:20:40

Here they are!

loopylou Tue 24-Mar-15 19:22:22

They are lovely AshTree, I know just how much work they entail.
I've just sent Zog the zebra off to DGS, unfortunately I can't attach my photo, ipad just freezes....